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The next day at school


The morning was awkward. As I ran around getting ready Kenny was ignoring me. I didn't plan to talk to him so I was ok with a the silence. I left a little after kenny. Me and Kenny ended up standing at the bus stop patiently in another awkward silence. Shortly, the bus arrived. As we got on I hear Zack calling over Kenny to go sit with them. There was lia, zach and Anthony's other friends. Kenny sat with them with them with a smile. I felt like they were setting him up. Even Lia. I went to the back of the bus and saw Anthony, sitting alone. I sat next to him.
Anthony: oh hello y/n.
Y/n: hey. I can't believe your friends.
Anthony: yeah me too..
Y/n: Kenny is getting set up. I could feel it.

Time skip to after school
(At the dojo)

We were all training and having fun. I didn't see much of Johnny. But that was fine because I felt like I was getting along with sensei.

We finished up and went to go collect our things. Me ant Anthony were talking till sam came to us.
Sam: Anthony! Dads letting me take the car. So we can finally go.
Anthony: oh alright.
Sam: y/n wanna come with us?
Y/n: where?
Sam: oh all of us in Miyagi doll and eagle fang are going to go see a drive-in movie.
Y/n: oh ok!
Sam: great! Me and Miguel will pick you up. At around 5:30.
Y/n: ok.

Kenny's POV

When I heard y/n and Anthony a couple days ago I was mad. I hated Anthony. I thought she knew about our plan. I was mad that day so I called up lia. We went to one of the most popular dojos. Cobra Kai. I still need to know how to fight. For the revenge.
I had to go back twice the fisrt time I wimped. Lia encouraged me so I kept on going. Finally they let both of us in and we've been training for a day.
Robby: Kenny, Lia! Wanna come to a drive in movie with all of us?
Lia: yea, sure.
Kenny: oh Uhm yea..
Robby: here's my number send me the address.
He smiled and then walked away.
Lia: how about I walk to your house first then he with pick the both of us up.
Kenny: ok.
After that we picked up our stuff and left.

time skip.

Y/n's POV

I was getting ready till I got a text. It said they where on their way. I quickly got my stuff and headed down stairs there I saw Kenny.
Y/n: Uhm hi?
Kenny: what do you want.
Y/n: I want to not fight. We should've had more communication. I know it's been hard for you. You haven't been able to see your dad in a while, mom is never home and your brother...
Kenny looked sad.
Y/n: it's ok... you don't have to forgive me.
I started walking towards the door until he hugged me.
Kenny: I need you.
I smiled.
Y/n:it's great you have you back.
He smiled but then began to explain a few things.
Kenny: I still have to stay in cobra Kai.
Kenny: don't worrie.
Y/n: Uhm ok.. as long as you don't hurt any Miyagi do or eagle fangs.
Kenny: I won't. Me and you and I guess Anthony could stay friends but I have to continue hanging out with Lia and them.
Y/n: ok..
Kenny: where are you going?
Y/n: movie drive in with my dojo. How bout you?
Kenny: movie drive in with my dojo...
Y/n: shit...

Just a clarification, They both know that their dojos have conflict.

I'm really excited to write the next chapter and I hope you will like. Have a good day!!

Anthony LaRusso x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now