Chapter Seven

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Denki's POV

They suddenly stopped dead in their tracks and pointed to the stage, directly at the puppet master. "That's our man,"

I froze, and Rac must have noticed my surprise because they looked at me confused. "What's wrong?" Their voice was soft and I could barely hear them over the crowd.

"N-nothing, I was just surprised that the guy we'd be looking for would be on stage," I stammered.

They looked unconvinced but didn't press further. "What now?" I asked, and Rac took out a cell phone, snapping a few pictures of the puppetmaster.

"Text the others," they instructed me.

I quickly texted Mina, letting her know that we had found the villain.

She texted me back just as fast, telling everyone to regroup. Rac and I made our way to the exit and met with the others.

"Mr. Aizawa wants us to return back to UA so we can share the information we gathered," Iida informed us before adding, "he also would like Rac, Vic, and Alex to accompany us."

(Back at UA)

3rd person POV

All of class 1-A, a few pros, and Rac, Vic, and Alex sat in the commons, taking turns speaking and sharing what they learned. When it was the spies turn, Iida took the lead, showing the pictures Rac took and Deku scribbled away, taking notes.

Denkis POV

I thought about mentioning the conversation I had had with the puppet master but I was unsure if it was the right time. I was about to speak up about the run in when Alex cleared his throat, "Rac is wondering if they could use their quirk?"

Aizawa nodded and Rac inhaled deeply before staring right at me.

They gestured towards their pockets and Alex spoke again, "would you mind checking your pant pockets?"

I stuck my hands into my pockets, feeling around. My eyes widened when I felt a piece of paper.


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