• no more

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when you argued the night before

"I told you I didn't know she was going to be there" Jungkook ruffled his hair in frustration.

"You could have at least texted me that you're coming home late for schedule yet again. I wouldn't have reacted like this" you said.

"You would've reacted this way even if i told you" he rolled his eyes.

"Oh I would? Yeah how would you feel if I came back home late the whole week and then a news comes out about me spotted with another idol, how would you feel?!" you said.

"I f*cking told you that I didn't know she would be there too!" he yelled.

"You could've at least replied to my texts" you yelled back.

"Ah jinjja" he said frustratedly and walked off.

Once he was out of the room, the tears that you were holding back started to fall. You dropped to the couch and covered your mouth to silence the cry. You were stressed out from your schedules and you barely had time with your boyfriend. Plus, the rumours weren't helping either.

That night, you both slept separately. He slept in the guest room and you both went to sleep without solving the problem which was something you guys had never done before . But that night, you both were just tired of it and had a lot on your plates.

Today, you went to schedule in a bad state. Just your luck, you had a full day of schedule today including a live. You went out earlier than Jungkook hence you two didn't cross path with each other this morning.

"Y/N-ah, are you okay?" Ara asked.

You just shook your head and laid your head on her shoulder.

"what's wrong maknae?" she asked.

"I had a fight with Jungkook and we slept without fixing it and in separate rooms" you say feeling your heart grow heavy.

"I knew it... what did you guys argue about? was it the rumour?"

"Sort of... He has been coming home late every single day and doesn't text me about it, and when the rumour came out, he didn't reply to my texts which made me more nervous and i don't know unnie... he was pretty angry too yesterday" you say as you felt yourself tear up.

"Y/N-ah, you're an idol too... you must know about these schedules, but I understand how you would feel about the rumours... he should have let you know and replied to your texts about it"she said.

"I think you should talk to him at home and make sure you let him know what upsetted you and what you want him to improve on, have a chat about it, it doesn't have to be an argument"she advised then pulled you into a hug.

"It will be okay" she whispered.

You immediately burst out into tears in the hug. You needed that, you needed some assurance that everything will be okay.

"Thank you unnie"you say as you wiped your tears and she continued to rub your back.

You rested your head on your palms as you try to stop the tears from flowing.

"Here we have Ara unnie" Jiyong said showing the camera to Ara.

You moved away so that you won't appear on the camera. Ara noticed and helped to bring the attention away from you as she moved to the snack area to show the fans. You head to the washroom and washed your face. Your eyes were puffy, nose and cheeks red from the crying. You just brushed it off and went back into focus mode for the other schedules.


Jungkook had been too quiet for the boys making them wonder what happened. He seemed less focused and had less energy to do the schedules today.

"Yah, Jungkook what's wrong?" Taehyung asked.

"I just had an argument with Y/N last night and we went to bed angry" he said.

"Ah...it's normal to have arguments in relationships" Taehyung said.

"I know, but it's the first one that we didn't solve it before we went to bed, we never go to bed angry but last night both of us did, and it's mostly my fault" he said now rubbing his temple.

"Was it about the rumours?" Tae asked.

"Ya partly that and all the late schedules that I didn't inform her about and my stupid self not replying to her texts when the rumour came out"Jungkook said.

"then go home and make sure you guys solve it before heading to bed.... we can tell you love her so much, look how empty you are just because you guys argued the night before, so don't mess it up" Taehyung said.

Jungkook nodded, he already planned to fix it all tonight.


"Annyeong~" the girls said to the vlive.

You waved to the camera as fans started coming in. This was the last schedule for the day and to be honest, you just want it to end quickly so that you can go home.

"We made this live because we miss you all"Jiyoung said.

The three girls continued chatting with the fans whereas you were just reading the comments on the ipad. Some fans had commented about why you looked tired, or unwell, there were also some who noticed that you were quieter than usual.

"We had a long day today so most of us are pretty tired" Ara explained after she noticed the comments.

After about half an hour of live, we ended the live and that was the end of our schedule. You excused yourself to leave first and Jae drove you back to your shared apartment and as soon as you reached home to you took a shower.

You put on a hoodie and sweatpants and got right into bed and waited for your boyfriend to come home so that you two can talk things out. But instead, you accidentally fell asleep.


Jungkook came home and noticed the lights were on. He expected you to be home already and he was eager to come see you and be in your arms. He walked into the shared room and saw your sleeping figure on the bed. He sighed and made his way next to you on the bed, pulling you close to him. He couldn't stand not being this close to you for a whole day.

Your eyes flutter open from the sudden touch causing you to wake up from your sleep.

"Jungkook?" you questioned as you rubbed your eyes.

"I'm so sorry about yesterday honey...You are right, I should have informed you when I'll have a late schedule... and reply often to your texts... I would have done the same thing to if I was in your shoes" he said kissing your forehead.

"I'm sorry for raising my voice at you" you said softly.

"No baby, I raised my voice too, and I'm sorry about that" he said.

"I'm glad you understood how I felt... Let's not do that again yeah? I couldn't sleep well without you" you say.

"Me too, I keep messing up during practice today, and I'm so out of focus, look at what effect you have on me" he said snuggling closer to you.

"I love you so much" you say as you felt yourself getting sleepy again.

"I love you so so much... no more sleeping angry okay, i promise we will solve every argument before we go to bed," he said pecking your lips.

"I promise too"

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