• steal a kiss

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when he wants a kiss in public | you two as an idol dating in secret

"It'll be fine... there isn't a lot of people here" Jungkook say with a pout.

You two were in Busan in his family's home as Jungkook had a short break before they have to prepare for their comeback. He invited you along to visit his family after awhile and was now convincing you to go out and explore the city with him in broad daylight.

To you, this wasn't a good idea as it was very risky and people would recognise the both of you straight away. But according to your boyfriend, the area around his family's home is empty and most are the older generation.

"C'mon babe" he say, seeming desperate to get out and venture around the place he grew up in.

"Fine, let me just get my mask" you say.


"There's a parking space there" you pointed out.

After Jungkook parked the car, you both got out of the car and was immediately hit by the breeze from the sea.

"Ah... it's so nice to be back" he said walking next to you, heading towards the sea.

He could tell that you were trying to keep a distance between you and him as you were still cautious about getting caught. He chuckled slightly before teasing you by wrapping his arm around your waist.

"Yah..." you say trying to get out of his grip.

"baby! It's fineeeee" he whined not wanting to let you go.

"People are going to see us Jungkook" you say.

"We're pretty covered up... I really doubt people will notice it's us, let's just not worry about that and enjoy this moment together please" he say seriously.

"Fine" you say letting yourself lean onto him as you both just stared out at the sea.

You both just talked to each other and caught up with whatever's going on. You were slowly starting on the next album and Jungkook was going to have a comeback soon. They were having a break now before they get busy with preparing for comeback.


"It's been so long since we've seen you two" his aunt said as she served us our dishes.

"You'll see us more often now, I'll be going back to Seoul next week, I'll come by often" Jungkook say.

"Join us aunty" you say scooting over to give her space to sit next to you.

"You two are so big now... Everyone talks about you... you know earlier today someone asked me to play your song" she said looking at you.

"What about me?" Jungkook pouted as he ate his food.

"You know the teens come here because they know i'm your aunt..." his aunt say.

After you two finished eating, you both chatted and chatted with his aunt and uncle who joined us.

"We're sorry for coming late and keeping you past your work hours" you say.

"Ani... no worries, we understand that it must be hard to eat out together in public in broad daylight," his aunt say.

"You two should just go public... it's not good to keep being cautious about your actions... does it not feel sad that you can't openly express yourselves freely in public?" his uncle say causing his aunt to slap his arm.

"don't be ridiculous..."

"It's okay aunty... I do get where he's coming from... but i think the only thing that's stopping me from doing so is that I'm scared of their act towards y/n.. you know how harsh they can be to her" Jungkook say.

It was true. You were the biggest solo idol in Korea and being the biggest comes with a lot of downsides too. You were being used a lot as a punching bag. People sent hate to you for the smallest things and media likes to use you to publicise what they want to publicise and also to cover up what they want to cover up. You've been used a lot. You just stood there in silence as he spoke.

You two bid your goodbyes to his aunt and uncle then made your way back to the car.

"You know, what I said is true... I really do want to openly show everyone that I love you so much, but the only thing that scares me is the hate that you'll receive" Jungkook started.

"I know what you're facing. I see it all the time online and I hate that there's nothing your company or anyone can do about it. People will say what they want and there's literally no way to stop them. But i genuinely do wish I can say something and do something" he say.

"It's okay... i'm used to it" you say honestly.

"It's not though... it's not okay to get used to this. You don't deserve it. You're literally the most sweetest, beautiful person inside and out and I don't get how people don't see it" Jungkook say.

"I know you're not ready too, but once you're ready to face them together, I'm ready. I'm ready whenever you're ready baby" he said holding your hand.

You hesitate for awhile but then shrug it off.

"I love you" he said.

"Can i get a kiss please" he asked.

"we're in public koo" you say

"But i haven't had my kiss since noon, it's literally night now" he pouted.

"c'mon baby, there's no one around" he said

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"c'mon baby, there's no one around" he said.

You just smiled and gave in to your big baby standing in front of you.

You tiptoed and peck his lips but he pulled you by your waist and deepen the kiss. You both pulled away breathless after some time. You just chuckled and pushed him away and went in the car.

Little did you two know, there were a few people who noticed you two and caught the intimate act.

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