• sleepy

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when he falls asleep on your lap | you as their 8th member

"why do we have to be here so early?" Jungkook mumbled as he got out the car before you.

You guys just arrived at the music show in the morning when the actual performance starts in the evening. Furthermore, you guys had a late schedule last night and hence everyone was tired right now.

You got out the car and stretched before yawning and head in the building. You guys got your make up done and then went on stage to do rehearsals. Everyone was clearly tired and had no energy but we went through the steps properly and got it done with.

After rehearsals, you all made your way back into the room and rested until it was time to back up on stage. You lowkey hated music shows because of the competitiveness of the show and also how long it was.

You sat on the sofa and went on your phone when you felt Jungkook sat next to you and then a weight on your lap. You looked down to see Jungkook with his eyes closed and you just smiled and went back on your phone. After awhile, Jimin came to you with a camera in his hand.

"Here we have the one you're all looking forward to... Jeon Jungkook" he teased after coming to you to show you.

You hit his shoulder and he laughed.

"Just kidding, no one cares about Jungkook, it's Y/N!"

"Annyeong" you say waving at the camera.

"This two are always together. You can never see them apart. Sometimes I feel like they are stuck together like twins" jimin said showing Jungkook on your lap.

You run your hands through his hair, letting it go back so it doesn't touch his forehead and when you stopped, Jungkook frowned and put your hand back.

"Who wants to see angry and pouty jungkook?" you asked, knowing exactly how to get him.

You played with his hair for awhile then completely stop. He frowned again and tried to find your hand but he couldn't.

"yah... y/n-ah, continue doing it" he mumbled as he pouted.

You gave no response and he continued to frowned with an obvious pout. His eyes flutter open to see a laughing Jimin and you with a smirk.

"It's not funny... hurryyy" he whined.

"Okay my big baby" you say and continued to play with his hair.

He smiled in content then you chuckled slightly at his overreactions. Jimin look at the both of them with a smile on his face after turning the camera off.

"idiots" he mumbled.

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