• bodyguard 2

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"Where have you been?" you asked your boyfriend who clearly looked drunk.

You were on your bed on your phone when he came in drunk as fvck. He started to climb on top of you and kiss your neck.

"Not now Jack.." you said trying to push him away.

"Why not" he said continuing his actions.

"I'm not in the mood, get off" you said.


"Jack get off!" you say trying to push him off you but he continued.

You guys have never done it before and you definitely did not want it to happen when he's drunk.

"Jack please" you cried.

His grip on you only got harder as he continued his dirty actions. At this point, you knew he wouldn't stop. You tried to push him off you but he only got aggressive and pinned you down harder. You hated him then. He showed his true colours then. The day after, he apologised for being a d!ck but he continued to do the same thing. Ignoring your consent. You never gave him consent but he still did it.

You knew it was getting too much when your dad notices the bruises on your arms and legs. He noticed the change in mood and your flinches. That was when you decided to end it off with him.

He scarred you for a long time. You weren't able to trust another guy for awhile because you were afraid the same thing would happen.

To see him back here again, being in the same room as him again, made you feel like you were trapped. It was like the whole thing would repeat itself again.

"I'm going to the bathroom" you say feeling overwhelmed.

"Do you need me to follow?" Jungkook asked looking at you worriedly.

You just shook your head and left to the bathroom. Your departure did not go unnoticed by Jack. He watched as you left Jungkook and towards the bathroom. He smirked knowing that was his chance.

You went in the bathroom and stared in the mirror. You tried to get some air away from people. After awhile, you went out and Jack was at the hallway smirking at you. You rolled your eyes before walking away from him but he was quick to grab your arm and pull you towards him.

"Where do you think you're going?" he whispered in your ear making the hairs of your hand stand.

"Get away!" you say pushing him away but of course he didn't budge.

"Why baby?" he said digging his face in your neck , lips touching the skin.

"Stop it jack, please go away" you cried feeling all the memory come back.

The traumatic memory. The one that made you build your wall up so high. The one that caused you to develop anxiety. The one that was the reason for your panic attacks. You can't believe you were in this position again. You felt weak.

"Jack please" you cried trying to push him off again but he only held on you tighter.

Before he could bring you away, he was pulled off from you. The next thing you know, he was on the floor and Jungkook was on top of him throwing punches. Soon, a crowd came and tried to pull of Jungkook from him. A woman came to you and comforted you as you cried feeling like you've lost it again.

Soon your dad came shocked at the scene.

"What is he doing here?" he raised his voice angrily.

Jungkook was trying to fight back from the grip the other men had as they were trying to hold him back from killing Jack.

"get the security now!" your dad yelled making some people scatter away to get security.

"Jungkook, bring y/n home" your dad say.

Jungkook pushed away from the guys grip and made his way over to you. He held you carefully like you were so fragile. You both walked away from the scene and out of the building. As you were out from the building, you felt your breathing get worse.

Jungkook stopped in his tracks and held you in his arms.

"Breathe y/n" he said as he did the breathing exercise with you.

You tried to follow him but the sobs and crying were not helping.

"Relax Y/N, it's fine. He's not here anymore, I'm here, you're out from the building" he said as he engulfed you in a hug.

You flinch from the sudden contact and tried to push him away.

"Get away from me Jungkook, I'm literally a used woman and a weak one who can't protect herself!" you cried.

Jungkook continued to hold you. He was upset that you thought of yourself in such way.

"All people do is see me as their prey... what did i do to deserve this" you cry.

"Y/N, shh, look at me" he said cupping your cheeks.

You looked up at him with teary eyes and reddened cheek.

"You are not anything you say just now. You are none of them. Do you know how big your name is? You are literally the most successful young adult in Korea. Everyone wants to be under you. Please don't think so low of yourself because of something a jerk did to you" he said, voice laced with genuine.

"No one would want me, I'm stupid and weak and can't protect-"

Jungkook cut you off by placing his lips on you. He couldn't help it but took the opportunity to do what he had always wanted to do. You were shock at first but gave in. You felt your heart burst at the kiss. As cliche as it sounds, it was like there was a spark.

"I want you. I've always wanted you. You're the only woman that I find myself falling for. I've always adored you, just that because of our work, I felt like it was unprofessional for me to. But tonight, I can't help it. You deserve everything and more. You look too good to be in tears right now. And even when you're crying, you still look the best one in the room. Please Y/N, recognise your worth. You are more worth it than how that jerk treated you. That is the lowest you deserve and you should not have to go through that again. I'm sorry if this ruined our friendship, but I had to do it" Jungkook say honestly.

You couldn't help but cracked a smile at his confession. He had always been the cold bodyguard that took awhile to get comfortable with you. But now, he's opening up and breaking down his walls by confessing to you.

"You don't have to-"

You cut him off by placing your lips on his.

"Now you have your answer" you say.

Jungkook smiled at your reply and leaned in for another kiss.

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