A strange Blue Box

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Don't worry Zara's story is still my main focus I'll be posting a chapter later

I wanted to do a Time travel fic where Mika met himself throughout his life and gave himself home/help without changes and I've also wanted to do a Doctor Who Mika fic so Here it is


Mika had decided to go on a run, something that pretty normal when he had time free he hadn't expected to end up kidnapped by a strange man in a bow tie, Okay He wasn't exactly kidnapped he had chosen to walk into the strange blue box himself but that wasn't the point, It wasn't a thing in France maybe in London you'd see the odd one but not here, so curiosity got the better of him and he walked inside. What he hadn't expected was the box to be bigger on the inside

"I was waiting for someone to walk in, not many people can see it through the perception filter but I guess you must have a strong imagination, " He says

Mika kept frowning "Where am I, " He says confused.

"In the TARDIS, Time and Relative Dimensions in space " The man to which he doesn't have a name for yet "Wait I've seen you before, Matha and I think saw you once"

"Oh So creepy guys seen me live and now has me kidnapped " Mika groaned frowning still

"Mika that's it right, Well Mika you're not kidnapped you can leave if you wish so why haven't you"

Mika looked back at the open door "You said that I was lucky to have come here so tell me Mr. Bow tie man why am I lucky"

"Because Your mind saw past the perception filter, I don't normally have one in England but we're in France and I don't want any old stranger walking in so you my friend must-have things you want to see and we can go anywhere. And be back tonight if your busy, like maybe you're getting married and need an escape before the big day" The man said which seemed oddly specific.

"I...I'm not getting married " Mika said pausing at the confusion "I still don't have your name, you know mine"

"I'm The Doctor, Some people call me John Smith, I don't know why but so do I " he laughed slightly

"Doctor John" Mika laughed "Okay now I know I must have fallen or maybe I'm still asleep, " Mika said pinching himself trying to wake up, His mind was making up characters again it seemed

"What's wrong with Doctor John," This apparent Doctor asked.

"Doctor John Is a character I made up for one of my songs based on some stupid thing when I was..." Mika trailed off releasing something maybe this wasn't a dream.

"Prove to me we can go in time take me to when I was 10, London 1994 I'm sure this thing can work out the rest," He says pointing to the ship

The doctor frowned slightly He didn't normally take people to their own timeline especially after Rose "You won't try and change anything " The Doctor asked frowning slightly

"I just want to see myself that's all I'm asking no funny business."

"Hold on tight" The Doctor smirked, starting Mika's adventures.


Hope you enjoyed my descent into madness

Also The fact The doctor knows Mika comes from a book where he and Martha went to see him in concert

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