Wordless and blank part 1

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"Sebastian will marry tomorrow weather he wants to or not said Charles smythe coldly he will marry Cristina farrow! "I will not I despise that disgusting trollip she literally layed with half of the men you work with. "Shut up u little twerp you will do as I say it'll happen tomorrow Sebastian and you can do nothing about it! "No never go fuck yourselves yelled Sebastian!
"Perhaps we should think about this more hun said his wife Maggie. "Bitch shut up or I'll beat u again! "Leave mom alone your the bitch dad!
Charles suddenly became red with rage and jumped on Sebastian trying to strangle him suddenly Sebastian had a plan his dad would not be able to marry him off if he suddenly lost his mind. Sebastian closed his eyes and went limp as if he was dead Charles stopped immediately and realized it. Maggie watched in horror and ran to Sebastian trying to revive him. "Sebastian ! Son wake up please wake up!
Sebastian stayed as he was unresponsive.
Charles suddenly got scared there was a loud knock on the door Charles opened the door and a cop rushed in grabbing him.  " Charles smythe you're under arrest for assault money laundering and embezzlement u have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you you have the right to an attorney if u can't afford one one will be appointed to u. "Get your fucking hands off me do you bastards know who I am I'll have your jobs for this! The cops took him away and another called in medics to take Sebastian to the hospital. Sebastian was examined the doctor noticed he was awake but non responsive he just stared into space.
"It appears Sebastian has become unresponsive due to severe trauma and possible brain damage from being strangled. " Maggie began sobbing hysterically. "There is a 5 percent chance that he will come out of it we just so happen to have live in nurse programs for these types of patients the problem is funded well would u be interested in extra free help?
"Absolutely if it'll help my son it's all my fault I should of saved him from Charles I'm a coward. " no mrs smythe your a victim like your son. She nodded the dr brought in a pretty doe eyed nurse and she looked like she was surprised to see Sebastian.

"Nurse berry meet your new patient Sebastian

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"Nurse berry meet your new patient Sebastian.
"We are actually already aquainted he's the man I told you about the one who picked on my friends and tried to blackmail me!
"Oh dear what ever he did to u all I'm sure he regrets it said Maggie. " we forgave him after he became the bigger person and apologized to us so let's get him processed and discharged and we can go home is there anything he likes to eat in particular? "Anything vegan.  "ah perfect I'll make him something when we get to your house if that's okay. " that's perfect actually I'm going in to the law firm and to my divorce attorney. " okay he's good to go. "Great I'll take us to the market and we can get some stuff and then I'll take you guys to the house.
Rachel helped Sebastian up but what she didn't know was he was very much alive and conscious he felt tingling where ever she had touched him she took his hand in hers giving him goosebumps Sebastian had always been in love with her he remembered her in grade school she was a good friend to him and he loved her he remembered she had given him a friendship bracelet when he was sad she probably didn't remember him it had been so long ago he followed her to his moms car and they got in Rachel sat next to him she studied his face on the way to the grocery store. He was a handsome guy he had nice hair clean skin it was hard to believe that he was not conscious he seemed alive he sat staring blankly into space.

 He was a handsome guy he had nice hair clean skin it was hard to believe that he was not conscious he seemed alive he sat staring blankly into space

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Rachel read Sebastians medical file she knew what his father had done to him.
"Mrs smythe? "Yes Rachel please call me Maggie. "ok Maggie I just wanted to say I'm very sorry for everything that happen to you and Sebastian because I saw his file and I know what happen I hope that cruel man pays for that. "I hope so too but knowing him he probably bought half the prison and paid off the DA . "God what a demon how did you and Sebastian bare all that torture I could call santana and have her uncle who works for the prison jump him. " thank you for caring but it's not nessassary he will feel the burn when I divorce him Sebastian and I will be free of him forever. "Sebastian is not a bad guy at all I know so I think he's always been a good person he may of made a few mistakes but he always made it up he really has a nice voice I must admit I snuck in to a few of his rehearsals I remember I had a small crush on him he is pretty good looking. Sebastian smirked then stopped so no one would see him. They made it to the grocery store and Maggie went in and left Rachel alone in the car with him. Rachel was singing softly Sebastian felt calm and relaxed she really did have a beautiful voice she always had. He did not know it was possible for a woman to become more beautiful but somehow she had. He was sure he could trust her he decided that he would reveal to her soon that he was alive.
Later that day Rachel made Sebastian a nice vegan dinner and fed it to him he ate and drank everything. Sebastians mom left to see her attorney. Rachel knew he needed a shower she took him to the bathroom and turned on the water and filled up the tub with warm water and helped him out of his shirt and shorts she left on his boxers and then put him in the bath she rubbed soap on him and cleaned him up then rinsed him off. Then drained the water and helped him out she dried him with a towel and then she took him to his room Maggie had put her bed next to his.
She slid off his boxers under the towel and slid on dry ones she tried not to stare at his toned abs and put a shirt on him and tucked him in his bed she could hear it raining and hear thunder she never liked it it always scared her. Rachel began to change in the room Sebastian tried not to look but he couldn't help it he noticed a tattoo on her upper back it was a star with a happy face she had a very pretty body.  She put on her night gown And got in her bed.
Sebastian layed there with a blank stare looking at her. She heard a loud noise and it woke up her and Sebastian she knew it was not Maggie Maggie texted her that she had to work a double at the firm. Rachel grabbed her taser and started to wait she heard footsteps approaching rapidly she took Sebastian by his hand and hid in the closet with him she could see a man in the dark with a knife. Sebastian could see it too he felt adrenaline flooding his body he grabbed a glass bottle from in his closet suddenly the man got the door open and grabbed Sebastian who dropped the bottle Sebastian started to fight which shocked Rachel he was definitely conscious. The man dropped his knife and pushed Sebastian on the ground and stared hitting him Rachel grabbed a syringe and stabbed the intruder and his body fell limp to the ground. Rachel called 911 and they showed up fast. They took Rachel's statement and the man and Rachel cleaned up Sebastian after they left. "How long have u been conscious Sebastian? "The whole time.
"The whole time! "Yes! I had to stay this way as you can see my dad wants me dead I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was just very scared Rachel. "I read your file Sebastian I already understand he's a bad man. "Please don't tell anyone Rachel I don't want to testify against my dad he will have me killed if I try. "I won't say anything to anyone ok but I can't believe u let me bathe u and change in front of you u are a bad boy. "I know I am sorry about all that what can I do to make up for it? "Grovel and beg for forgiveness. "That's pretty direct. She finished cleaning his face and put a bandage on his forehead he'd had a small cut.  "That man was like a rabid dog. Sebastian laughed yeah he was! "Your dad is evil how could he do that to u and your mom? "Don't know maybe u should go ask him. "No thank you I'd probably just punch him. "I could see you doing that you sent sunshine to a crack house! "It was inactive dang it. "What ever you say beautiful. She blushed and looked away.  "Rachel can we keep this a secret. " I don't like lying Sebastian but if it means protecting someone then yes I'll do that for you.  Thank you he said taking her hand in his and holding it. It was then she saw the bracelet. "Oh my god seb it's you I can't believe it! "I thought you forgot about me. "How could I forget my best friend! "I never forgot you Rachel ever im sorry for blackmailing you I did it because I really hated seeing you with Finn! "Why is that? "Because I love you Rachel I've always loved you. She looked into his eyes and she saw love they stared at each other for awhile.  Sebastian leaned over and kissed her lips she immediately kissed him back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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