Whos the dad pt 2

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3 weeks later.
Rachel was in Cassandra's class when she began feeling awful she felt dizzy and nauseous she stumbled and Cassandra noticed. Cassandra stopped and approached Rachel. "Rachel you're pale and you look ill are you alright? "I think I ate something bad may I be excused? "Yes take a  few days and rest. Rachel nodded. Rachel ran out of the class and to the women's room and immediately vomited in the stall. Santana walked in. "Berry Are you okay. "Yeah I think I ate something bad. "Food poisoning usually comes out the other end hun hate to get too personal but when was your last period? "Oh god Santana you're right I'm late but that means..... "that it could be Sebastian's or hunters. "The idea of it being hunters is already making me ill. "I think you should talk to Sebastian first then hunter last. "True Sebastian would be more supportive. She picked up the phone and asked him if she could go see him he said yes . She left and went to his room she knocked on his door he answered and smiled. "Hello pretty girl. He leaned down and kissed her. She kissed him back. Then she saw a romantic dinner set up. "Is that for me? "It is I've missed you come on in. She went in and sat on the couch he could tell she was upset. "What's wrong babe? "Please sir we need to talk. He sat next to her. "I got sick this morning during class Sebastian and I left and vomited and my period is 3 weeks late. "Wait are you saying you are pregnant? "I believe I am and I wanted to be honest with you. "Thank you for being honest as for you being pregnant I think it's best if you let me set up an appointment with my dr and we can have her test you and test me and hunter to see which one of us is the dad though I am pretty sure it's me I always win. "You're taking this very well. "Well I am a man a real man is responsible like that Rachel besides I don't mind if you're pregnant and I will go with you to tell hunter if you want. "It might be a good idea actually he could freak out. "He has a bad temper. "Alright lets go then. Rachel and Sebastian walked to hunters ra room Rachel knocked and a lazy messy haired hunter answered. "Ha you're back huh ready for more? "No hunter I need to talk to you can we come in. Hunter huffed but let them in. "What do you want Rachel. "I have been getting sick every morning and vomiting and my period is late I believe I am pregnant and you may be the dad you are the only other person besides Sebastian I've been with. "What are you fucking kidding me right now weren't you on the pill. "I never said I was you never asked. "I don't want a fucking baby get rid of it. "I'm Jewish I don't believe in abortions! Hunter snapped and started throwing things all over. "Hunter calm down she just wants you to go get a test to see if it is yours or mine. "Then If it's not I am done? "Yes said Rachel. "Ok then let's go. "We go tomorrow said Sebastian. "Fine by me now go away. Rachel rolled her eyes and left with Sebastian he walked to his room. "Do you want to hang out asked Sebastian. "You still want to? "Of course I do I was thinking we reheat dinner and watch movies. "Ok. They went to his room Rachel sat down at his table while he reheat the food he finished and put her plate down it was vegan pasta she took a bite and moaned at the delicious taste she cleaned off her plate. "Would you like more? "Yes please. He brought her more and she ate it all. "Oh god that was so good. He smiled. She blushed. "I want it to be mine  if it's mine I am going to spoil you. He picked up the plates and washed them up and then they started watching movies on the couch they watched dear John and Rachel started crying. Sebastian pulled her to lay on him he hugged her from behind  she relaxed in his arms. "He began rubbing her neck and her shoulders she moaned. He worked away all the tension. He started massaging her scalp which suddenly aroused her she turned in his lap and kissed him.soon she was on her back on the couch with him on top of her. He slid up her dress  and kissed her stomach he slid off her panties and then pulled his pants and boxers down and slid into her he made love to her slowly till they both came together. He picked her up and and carried her to his bed and they cuddled and napped.
The next day at the dr the three of them sat waiting for Rachel's results the dr finally called them in and said . The results are in mr smythe was a 100 percent match so congrats mr smythe Rachel is 3 weeks and the babies are yours. Sebastian smiled and kissed her hand.
"Babies said Rachel. "Twins miss berry there were two fetal yolks on your ultrasound. "Thank god I'm out said hunter. "Not so fast mr Clarrington I have news for you too you are unable to produce kids. "What why? "Because you're sterile you're infertile. "This is stupid I'll get another opinion. "You go ahead and do that but all the dr's will tell you the same thing. "Whatever I'm out. Hunter angerily stormed out. Rachel and Sebastian were so happy.
"Shall we go get dinner pretty girl? "No id rather have you instead she said looking him over. "Ok so ill order in later then. He smirked. And then he smiled and kissed her. "I love you pretty girl I am going to take care of all three of you I promise. "I know you will she said smiling. "I love you Rachel I always have. "I love you too Sebastian.
The end

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