Snowed in with you part 1

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Rachel and Sam were convinced by klaine to join them on a trip to Sebastian's family cabin the ride there was ok Rachel had to sit next to Sebastian alone his car was a 2 seat. Sam rode with Kurt and Blaine. Rachel layed back relaxing she could feel Sebastian staring at her sometimes and he was. Sebastian had the hots for Rachel badly and could not help it she was just so beautiful to him. He stated at her she wore a long sundress and boots. Her hair was down flowing in the wind. He put on some music to distract him journey was on he turned it up. She smiled and relaxed enjoying the music Sebastian sang with the music a little he had a good voice Rachel was actually impressed she watched him he saw her and blushed and kept driving. Rachel had never seen him do that before she wondered what that was about but didn't say anything. Rachel went to sleep and a few hours later Sebastian gently woke her up she opened her tired eyes and sat up. "Where are we? "We're here.  He said softly. "Um ok. Rachel got out and was going to get her bags but Sebastian was already carrying them for her. "Thank you Sebastian but you didn't have to carry those. "I wouldn't be much of a gentleman if I didn't. he carried her bags inside. He led Rachel to a room with one bed and put her bags in. This is yours. "Thank u. "You're welcome just make yourself at home if you need anything my room is next door and the boys are taking the room with 2  beds. "I'm taking the fold out near the fireplace. "Oh ok are you sure? "Yeah you're a lady u need more privacy than we do. "That's nice of you Sebastian. "Well were all friends here now so being nice is a necessary thing now. "Ok thank you. "You're welcome broadway so you're vegan right? "How did you know? "Blaine told me plus I am vegan as well how does vegan pasta, soup, and salad sound for dinner? "It sounds really good do you want a hand in the kitchen? "That would be great. He walked away smirking game on he thought too himself I'll be in her pants before the end of this trip. 
Time jump
Rachel washed her hands and started chopping  vegetables she was sipping wine she'd had a lot of wine already. Sebastian watched her she finished fast. "Wow broadway that was fast! I'm ok at some kitchen stuff but honestly I can't cook to save my life she slurred. "Come here Rachel. She shyly approached  him he took her hands in his and started showing her how to cook in no time she was done adding everything he put the spoon into her hand and showed her how to stir it his. "See broadway you're a natural you've got this he said in her ear. He ran his hands down her arms. Rachel shivered Sebastian's arm circled her waist she felt the warmth of his body against hers she turned and found their faces were inches apart.
He leaned in and kissed her she kissed him back for a second then pushed him back "What are you doing she asked sounding angry. "I thought we were both having a moment. No you were coming on to me it's obvious you just want to get in my pants. "No that's not.... "save it I should of known what you were up to it's what you do you're a schemer that's why u were being so nice to me hope you enjoyed it because it will never happen again we were having a good time and you ruined it by being a dick. "Rachel I am.... "no just stay away from me you hear me! She ran out and went to her room and didn't come out till everyone was in the den. She started playing scrabble with everyone but avoided Sebastian she barely acknowledged him.
The next day everyone went hiking Rachel walked next to Sam Sebastian watched from behind in jealousy. They reached the river it had beautiful water falls Rachel sat on a rock Sam started climbing one. "Sam that area is not very sturdy said Sebastian. "Yeah Sam Come back down said Rachel. "Oh ok! He started climbing down and missed a step falling hard a stick pierced his leg he screamed in pain Rachel and the others ran to him. Blaine was there first inspecting the damage he was about to remove the stick but Rachel stopped him. "Don't pull it out or he will lose lots of blood he has to go to the er. "She's right said Sebastian. "Where's the closest one asked Kurt. "56 miles away in the next town. "I'll drive said Blaine. "I'll go too said Kurt. Sebastian and klaine helped Sam back to the car and klaine left with Sam leaving Rachel alone with Sebastian they went inside Rachel picked up a book and sat by the fire reading completely ignoring Sebastian. Sebastian felt badly about upsetting her. "Rachel can we please talk? "Nope I'm tired bye! She got up went to her room closed the door and locked it. Sebastian suddenly got an idea he picked up a pen and paper and wrote her a letter he slid it under her door she picked it up and read it.

Dear Rachel I have been a complete ass and for that I'm very sorry I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me and give me another chance as a friend hopefully I don't regret liking you I never will your sweet kind funny and so very beautiful and I was twitterpated by your beauty but that's not an excuse for my behavior I'm sorry please forgive me love Sebastian.....

Rachel smiled and saved the letter under her pillow though she was too stubborn to admit it she thought he was cute he was cocky and arrogant but he was still good looking she secretly liked it when he had kissed her but she refused to be his conquest she was not an easy woman or a slut like most girls she was a good girl and if she decided to try things with him it would be on her terms not his.
Rachel went to bed and woke up at 5 am it was ice cold in the cabin Sebastian was sitting on the couch reading. He looked exhausted Rachel walked up to him and he looked up at her. "You haven't been sleeping have you? "No he answered honestly. "Why guilty conscience? "Yes very. "You don't have to feel guilty anymore because I forgive you Sebastian now get some rest I will see you tomorrow good night. "Night.
That night Sebastian slept peacefully. She did too.
The next morning Rachel woke up to Sebastian ranting she walked out to see what his problem was. "What is your deal smythe? "Rachel oh my god Rachel were fucked were snowed in here and there is no way out our cabin is waist deep in snow and we're out of wood fuck! "Sebastian! "We're so fucked there's no cell service either! "Sebastian!! "What?! "Calm down ok we will figure this out ok. Sebastian calmed down hours passed Sebastian decided he would try to go outside and get wood to warm them. "I don't think this is a good idea Sebastian what if u get hurt or stuck. "I'll be fine broadway stop worrying. She nodded and he put on snow overalls and boots and he walked out the snow was waist deep he fell and a bunch of snow got in his overalls he got up and saw a wood pile in the distance he walked to it and he grabbed as much as he could and carried it back to the cabin he was exhausted and fell at the door hitting it with a thud he hit his head losing consciousness. 30 minutes later Sebastian still was not back Rachel was worried and opened the door Sebastian's unconscious body was layed on the door step. "Oh no oh my god Sebastian! She yelled in horror.............

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