Abandoned part 1

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"I'm sorry Rachel I Just can't help you I can barely help myself and I don't want to hurt you or the baby I can't stop using and I'm a danger to you both so I'm leaving. "Finn please don't go I'll help you we will do this together. "Not this time Rachel good bye. He walked away leaving her a sobbing mess. That was the last time Rachel ever saw him because he died of an overdose a month later. They had a small funeral for him everyone including Sebastian was there. Rachel had a tiny reception. Rachel started to speak.

Sebastian cried seeing and hearing the sadness in her voice was so hard for him.

The reception continued and then Santana Lopez got up to speak

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The reception continued and then Santana Lopez got up to speak.

Santana broke down in tears and ran out Kurt followed her.
Time jump
Rachel was in her kitchen cleaning dishes alone Sebastian walked in and started helping. She looked at him in surprise. "Hey he said softly. "Hi she said sounding broken up. "How are you doing? "About as good as I can be I have to do so much and deal with so much it's overwhelming. "I know it is my little brother died a few weeks ago in a car accident.
"I'm sorry to hear that. "I'm sorry about Finn he was a good guy and I am sorry I blackmailed u and him. "It's ok Sebastian I know u didn't mean it I forgive you. "Thank you so I was wondering if I could help you clean up maybe you can go have a hot shower and relax. "Are you sure I wouldn't want to over work you. "I have nothing better to do besides my dad and I are fighting anyway. "Well I guess if you want to. "Ok u go relax I've got this. Rachel walked off and went into her bathroom and started stripping she turned on the water and stepped under it's warm spray. Her body relaxed. She wondered why Sebastian Smythe was being so kind to her he'd never been this way with her before. She washed off and shut off the water and then dried off and then went to her room and threw on some shorts and a tank top.
She walked out and saw the kitchen was spotless. Sebastian was sitting at the table reading. "Thank you for this it helps a lot I thought about it and if you want you can stay a few days till things clear up with your dad. "Um yeah that would be great. "The couch pulls out into a bed and blankets are in the cubbard in the hall help yourself to what ever you want I'm going to head to bed good night Sebastian. "Good night Rachel sweet dreams to you and your baby. "How did you know I was pregnant I'm not even showing. "Because you're glowing pregnant women have a beautiful glow about them. "Oh Rachel said blushing um Thank you um good night. He smiled. And she left to bed in her room. He pulled the bed out of the couch and grabbed a blanket and layed down and fell asleep. He decided that he would help her in anyway he could he would make her happy again too. He smiled and fell asleep. The next day he woke up he could smell coffee he walked into the kitchen shirtless.

Rachel nearly dropped her coffee cup he smiled

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Rachel nearly dropped her coffee cup he smiled. "Hey he said smiling I smell coffee. "Uh huh I made a pot do you want some? "I'd love some. "Yeah me too she muttered checking his abs out. "What? "Nothing Just thinking. He went and grabbed the cup she filled he made his coffee the exact same way as she did. She thought she was the only person who liked soy coffee. He smiled and went into the living room and sat down sipping his coffee Rachel came in and saw he had put the bed back and folded the blanket she sat down next to him and sipped her coffee. She got a text on her phone and read it it upset her and he could tell. "Is everything ok? "Yeah it's just I have to go talk to Finns insurance he put me as beneficiary after I told him he didn't have to. "well you should be glad he did he wanted to make sure you and the baby would be okay. "I guess you're right this still feels like a bad dream there's so much he was going to do to help me fix my house and now he never will be able to I'm alone and I don't have anyone. "You have me I'll help you. "No I can't ask you to do that.
"U didn't I offered to besides it'll give me the chance to get to know you better I like you a lot Rachel i have for a while now I never worked up the nerve to ask you out I know my timing is crap but I was wondering if I could take you out. She smiled and blushed and nodded yes. He smiled too. "How about tonight? "Yeah okay I got to go to the insurance place first you can go if you want. He nodded Rachel left to get dressed and he got dressed to she came out in a white sundress it outlined her growing belly. He smiled at her. "You look pretty.
"Thank you. They left and headed to Lima life insurance co. They went in and sat down. A man called Rachel in Sebastian went with her.
She sat down. "Good afternoon miss berry I called you in here today because mr Hudson had a very high policy in place naming you as his beneficiary as such your entitled to all of it it is 180,000 dollars. But first I have some questions may I proceed. "Yes you may. "How long were you and Finn together? "5 years. "Do you have children? "No I have one on the way. "Ah I see. "Did you leave mr Hudson at anytime when he was using heroin? "No he left me. "Did mr Hudson abandon you then? "No he didn't abandon me finn was a good man!
"Miss berry I believe what he did was abandon you I mean what kind of person leaves a pregnant woman to fend for herself. "That's enough she screamed don't talk about him that way he left for my safety and because he didn't want to be high around me or his child so how dare you! She stood up and began feeling heavy pain in her lower stomach she clutched it in pain. The man looked like he felt bad Sebastian looked terrified. "Rachel are you ok? "It hurts! "Ok miss berry your excused I have what I need I'll be in touch. Sebastian and Rachel raced out Rachel let out a scream of pain in the lobby. Sebastian picked her up and carried her to the car he rushed her to Lima heights hospital he got out picked her up and ran in holding her.
"Help I need help! A nurse brought a gurney and he put her on it. He told the nurse what happened. They rushed her into a room and did an ultrasound the baby was fine. Sebastian sighed in relief. "The baby is fine mr smythe but Rachel was too stressed she almost miscarried I'm going to put her on 7days bed rest she has to take it easy no heavy lifting or anything else she's 3 months . "Yes sir thank you. "No problem you may take her home now.
Sebastian helped her up and took her home he helped her take off her shoes and get in bed he was going to leave but she grabbed his hand. "Stay please. "Sure ill be right back. He left and came back shirtless and he handed her a letter he had found in the door box. She smiled and was reading it.

"Who is it from? "It's from Quinn she and Noah got married

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"Who is it from? "It's from Quinn she and Noah got married. "That's great. "It is I always liked them together he's good to her. She watched him walking towards her she stared at his body again. "See something you like sweetheart? She blushed and didn't respond. He took off his pants and got into bed with her. She layed her head on his chest and fell asleep on him as he massaged her scalp. She fell asleep in his arms he kissed her forehead and fell asleep holding her.

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