Now thats breakfast

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Rachel walked into the kitchen it was her turn to make breakfast she knew Klaine had a roommate who was never home She had never  met them. She had only been there for three days since she came back from nayada,
She was only wearing Blaine's warbler shirt and now that she had learned to cook she had agreed to take turns. She had headphones on and was swaying her hips to the music and she was singing softly.
Sebastian smythe lay tossing and turning on his bed he opened his eyes and the most delicious smell his him he knew it wasn't Kurt Kurt would burn water Blaine knew how to cook so maybe it was him Sebastian got up wearing only his black briefs. He walked to the kitchen and nearly fell at seeing a barely dressed Rachel berry in just a dress shirt singing and dancing while cooking his eyes landed on her ass which he could see very good with those tiny booty shorts she had on Sebastian started getting hard he stood behind the counter. She turned around and saw him and slightly jumped she took off her headphones. "Sebastian!? "The one and only broadway. He said stretching making his muccles flex. Rachel could not help but stare he smirked knowing she was checking him out. "So you're Kurt and Blaine's new roommate?
"I am also sorry if I scared you I did not know you were staying here too. "Yeah I'm actually going through a really messy divorce with Jesse st James. "I'm sorry to hear that divorces blow big time are u okay? "I been better but I'm hanging in there. "I'm sure things will get better especially for you you have always been a good person me not so much. "You're not all that bad I mean you did apologize and I remember hearing that u destroyed the pictures of Finn. "Yeah but I'm still sorry I did that I was such a dick. "I forgive you for it Sebastian. "Thanks Rachel that means a lot.
"No problem so have u seen Kurt or Blaine I made coffee and breakfast and I don't know where they are. "I believe Kurt and Blaine crashed at Noah's last night and haven't come home yet I'll bet they're hungover. "If they were with puck then yep they're definitely hungover I made all this no sense in wasting it do u want to join me for breakfast? "Sure it smells good I'll be right back he said blushing. He walked away Rachel found herself staring at his back side he had a nice ass and he seemed to have muccles everywhere.
He came back out with a white shirt on and sat at the table Rachel tried grabbing the plates but accidentally knocked one down it shattered she bent down to pick it up and screamed as a huge shard pierced her hand. Sebastian ran to her and saw blood pouring out of her cut he took her hand in his and ran it under the cold water of the sink he grabbed a cloth and held it over her cut. Her body wobbled as if she was going to pass out Sebastian wrapped his arms around her waist to steady her. "U okay broadway? "Yyyea iii think so. "Alright lets have a seat I don't want you passing out. Rachel nodded. Rachel caught a whiff of cologne on him he smelled amazing she leaned into his body without realizing it but he didn't seem to mind.
He helped her to sit on the couch. He sat next to her cleaning the cut on her hand. He got up and grabbed a box of bandaids and sat next to her he covered her cut. Then he kissed it she was surprised and felt goosebumps all over her.  "There all better broadway he said caressing her arm. Rachel felt her heart racing. What the hell is this man doing to me she thought in her mind.  His beautiful green eyes locked on hers and he suddenly leaned in and kissed her. "He definitely was not gay a gay man didn't kiss like that she kissed him back her arms circled his neck he grabbed her waist pulling her closer. Her fingers were tangled in his hair she tugged it and he groaned. Some how he had her on the counter his hand gripped her hair as he kissed her pouring all his feelings for her into his heated kisses.
No one had ever kissed Rachel like this it felt like every part of her body was on fire and she did not want it to stop . Sebastian started kissing her neck she moaned softly. He picked her up like a bride. And carried her to his room he closed the door and locked it. He layed her on the bed his body covered hers as he kissed her again. The shirt she wore had risen up revealing her beautiful long legs he ran his fingers along the smooth skin of her thighs. "Sebastian what are we doing?
"Isn't it obvious Streisand we have something between us we both feel it we're attracted to each other. "But I thought you were gay!
"No im not I'm into you I've been into you since I first saw u and I want you here and now if u want this too do you? "Yes she said with a flushed face. He ran his fingers along her silk black panties and slid them off. He opened the shirt she had on he reached down and started touching her breasts she blushed and closed her eyes and tried to cover herself he stopped her. "Rachel you don't have to hide from me ever you're beautiful. She blushed and he kissed her again he kissed her neck then her breasts then down her stomach he slipped off her panties. Then he started to pleasure her his tongue lapped at her she had had sex only 3 times and no one had done this to her. She moaned out his name. He late her on the bed and she'd his clothes fast he got on top of her and thrusted deep into her. He moved slowly to let her adjust to his size. She moaned loudly her hands gripped the sheets he sped up and moved his hand between her legs to rub her nerves she started to scream. He kept going soon they were both close Rachel let out a loud scream as she came he groaned her name and came spilling deep into her he collapsed next to her and pulled her against him they started falling asleep and he whispered I love u to her as he held her and they both fell asleep.

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