chapter ten

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3rd person POV

Brooklyn was on their way to Meddas. Signs in their hands and chattering going trough the group. They were excited. It's not that nothing happens in Brooklyn but joining the strike and getting together with the other newsies was something to look forward to. People were standing outside the entrance. Some of the Brooklyn newsies stopped to talk, the others went inside. Spot had to get to Jack for their speech, which was why he told Butterfinger that he was the one in charge till he's getting back. "Jackey-Boy." He spat into his hand, Jack copying his action. "Spot, good to see you's made it. We're goin' on stage ina couple of minutes." The smaller boy gave him a nod and walked from the entrance hall inside the big room. It was filled with chairs and tables on which many newsies already sat. He scanned trough the crowd to spot Joan sitting in the first row with some of the Manhattan newsies sitting around her. She was laughing at something Kid just said, punching him in the shoulder. There it was again, the weird feeling inside of him. Shrugging it off, Spot walked towards them and sitting down in one of the empty chairs at the table. "Conlon, good to see ya, fella." Race spat in his hand, Spot doing the same. They shook hands before Race turned his attention back to the conversation. Spot looked at Joan who gave him a smile, which he returned. He mouthed a quiet 'can we talk?' Confused, the girl gave him a nod towards an empty space in the back. As they were about to get up, Jack jumped on stage, David following close behind.

"Let's get settled, shall we?"

His loud voice echoed trough the room, making everyone quiet down and turning their attention to the boys on stage. Spot walked past Joan, placing a hand on her shoulder and stopping. He leaned down to her giving her a soft smile. "Go get 'em. We's can talk later, alright?" He nodded and jumped up the stage, earning loud cheers from the newsies. A smirk was plastered on his face, knowing the power he had over the city. The respect he earned trough out the years. "Well, I want to thank-.." The crowd didn't listen to David, which caused Joan to jump on the stage, taking a deep breath. "Shut up and listen to the man!" Everything went quiet, a few wolf howls coming from some newsies. "Yes ma'am!" Race saluted her as she jumped down again, a smile on her lips. "Thank you Joan. As I was saying, thank you all for coming here on such short notice. We've got some things to say to you." Jack clapped the boy on the back, stepping in front of the two other boys on the stage. "So, we've come a long way, but we ain't there yet and maybe it's only gonna get tougher from now on. But that's fine, we'll just get tougher with it. But also, we gotta get smart and start listening to my pal David, who says; stop soakin' the scabs" A few boo's went trough the masses, making David scratch his neck. Racetrack stood up, a glass in his hands. "What are we supposed to do to the bums? Kiss 'em?" The theater was now filled with laughter which quiet down a couple seconds later. Joan rolled her eyes at the comment, still, she had to his a small smile. "Any scab I see I soak 'em. Period." Spot pulled his cane out, rising it up in the air. He looked trough the crowd which started cheering again. The boy turned around to face Jack and David. "No, no. That's what they want us to do.
If we get violent, it's just playing into their hands." David had a point and Joan knew it. Whatever they do, the police and more importantly, The World, would always find a way to ruin the newsies.

Spot walked up to David, who was starting to get less intimated by him. "Hey, look. They's gonna be playing with me hands, alright. 'Cuz it ain't what they say, it's what we say. And nobody ain't gonna listen to us unless we make 'em." Joan looked trough the crowd to see everyone arguing with each other. Some taking Spots side, the others agreeing with David. "Hey! Calm down." Joan screamed at them, getting annoyed at how impatient they were. Spot had a small smirk on his lips, seeing how she took control of this situation. The other newsies tuned down again. "You got no brains. Why we starting to fight each other? It's just what the big shot's wanna see. That we're street rats! Street rats with no brain's. No respect for nothin', including ourselves! So, here's how it's gonna be. If we don't act together, then we're nothin'. If we don't stick together, then we're nothin'. And if we can't even trust each other, then we're nothin'." Kid jumped from his chair, making it fall over. "You tell 'em, Jack!" He clapped into his hands, Race and Mush joining him. "We're with you Jack!" Race stood at the end of the stage, leaning over it with a smile sending towards Jack. "So, what about you, Spot?" He looked at the boy with the cane in his hand. Spot walked closer to him, looking up in his face. "I say, what you say..." He looked around the crowd which was waiting for him to answer. Joan sat the edge of her chair, not knowing if Spot was up to this. " what I say." They spit-shook and the crowd started cheering. Seconds later, Medda walked up on the stage, the newsies going crazy. Jack and David walked down the stairs, Spot getting towards the end of the stage where Joan stood. Medda was starting her song, every single newsie joining her.

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