Caranthir X Sister!reader

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You sat quietly in the sitting room, one that tucked you away from all of your siblings and your amille and atar. Once before this room had been one of solace, filled with your books and writing journals that you poured over daily. Even some stray art supplies from your amille lingered here, and while you were by no means an artist. You still indulged in paintings and drawings regardless, yet... all of it remained untouched.

The book in your hand being the first one you had picked up in months, yet you could not even begin to focus on the words on the page as you sat there. Only blankly looking to where the floor and the wall connected, feeling as though this situation were not real. That you were hardly even real... and the weight of worthlessness sitting like an iron anvil in your heart.

Nothing interested you anymore, yet you had only told your brothers that you were fine and just tired from the stress of working. But now that Fëanaro had reduced the weight of your workload... It was becoming harder and harder to find excuses for your out of character behavior. Let alone hide it, you did not laugh nor smile. Even at Celegorm's antics you were emotionless, and clearly struggling to react appropriately...

You blinked taking a breath as you slowly began to come out of the trance, sitting up almost as if you were surprised. Looking back down to your book in hand to try and attempt to read again, completely unaware of the fact that one of your brothers stood just in the threshold of the room watching you. Carnistir having stood there for only a few moments to gauge you.

He had taken it upon himself to confront your odd behavior, sympathizing entirely to what he had been suspecting you were struggling with. Carnistir had done the exact same thing you had when battling with the beast the Healers described as depression. Quietly he had made the decision for himself to get help, but it was clear to him you needed that push to get there.

Gently he knocked against the door frame, watching the way you jumped at the sound before hurriedly turning to look at him. You looked startled to see him standing there, though his facial expression was neutral- wearing his usual faint scowl as he stared at you.

"Oh, Carnistir." You said trying to put some enthusiasm in your voice, in an attempt to conceal the morose mood that hung over you like a rain cloud.

"Let's talk, Y/N." He stated simply, walking the rest of the way into the room not waiting for you to give him an invitation or shoo him away. You'd been bad about self isolation lately and wanting nothing to do with anyone. Carnistir wasn't going to really give you the chance to thwart him if it could be helped.

Quietly you nodded, swallow thickly at his words and scooting across the sofa to make room for your brother. Carnistir silently sat next to you, leaning back in his seat for a moment, looking out the window and into the gardens just right outside the room.

"What do we need to talk about?" You asked, closing your book gently and clutching to it tightly in your lap, drawing your brows together with concern. Wondering if you were in trouble somehow with him, for a moment there was heavy silence as you waited on baited breath. The seconds seemed to tick by like it were hours before finally Carnistir opened his mouth to speak,

"Y/N... How have you been feeling?" He worded carefully, talking about feelings wasn't exactly his strong suit. Yet... It seemed that was the only way he could think to break the ice with you on this subject. Carnistir's silver eyes turned to land on you, sharp and as observant as ever, watching how you seemed to forcibly perk yourself up. Giving him a strained and faint smile, the corners of your lips twitching weakly as you tried to will yourself to be okay.

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