Being Fëanor's Daughter Pt. 4 (relationship With Maglor)

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-Much like Maedhros, Maglor is going to be a very consistent and constant figure in your life. Because no matter where Maedhros goes, Maglor is sure to follow.

- And when you are so close to Maglor you are surely bound to follow right behind the second eldest, no matter what.

- Maglor is very motherly, gentle and patient with you and there's not much that you can do to set off that famed Feanorian temper, even if he sets off yours.

- Since you have that special relationship with him as his sister, he's gonna have a softer spot for you already and values your relationship deeply.

- Maglor is almost overly patient with you, and is the type of elf who can handle you repeatedly asking him one question over and over and over and over again, only gently answering you each time.

- Once you reach his limit, even still Maglor will not raise his voice with you and only firmly give you his answer and tell you to stop pressing.

- Because Maglor is so gentle and motherly with you, he's very in tune with his emotions and this means that he is a complete and utterly safe space for you to express yourself to him. No matter what it is you might be feeling.

- He consoles you when you are heartbroken, depressed, or sad. Gently rubbing your back, hugging you if he knows that will comfort you and speaking soft and gentle words to try and soothe you.

- If you are angry and raging and pacing and venting loudly, patiently he listens to you. Validating how you're feeling and logically talking you through the highs of your temper.

- Maglor will also find ways for you two to bond together, where its a passion you both share so you two can make good memories.

- If you like to write, Maglor will sit down with you as he writes poetry, letting you bounce ideas around with him. Encouraging you happily to write something down, even if nothing comes of it.

- Or if its music you like, he will teach you the moment you show interest how to play the harp, or sing, or play the flute or whatever other instrument you have the desire to learn!

- Because of your close relationship with Maglor, he is rather overprotective over you, though he does his best not to take it overboard.

- Fortunately even despite his overprotective nature with you, he still handles things logically and recognizes that you are your own person.

- But don't be mistaken, that the moment your feelings are wounded in anyway it will be Maglor quick to your rescue, especially if he's the first one to find out.

- If there's anything he's so overprotective he won't budge over it's when he and the rest of your brothers take the oath and leave to Arda.

- Maglor will in no way, shape or form allow you to come. At all, and will absolutely have Nerdanel make sure you don't leave and follow behind, and unfortunately for you all of your brothers will promptly agree with his decision.

- While it will hurt Maglor to do such a thing to you, he never regrets his decision. Always grateful in his time on Arda for making sure you stayed behind with the horrors he comes to witness.

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