chapter twenty:

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Kaitlyn p.o.v: *5:00am* i woke up feeling someone shaking me awake. I turn so im facing calum and he just smiled tiredly. i shifted so i was laying on his stomach, wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his chest.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"5. Its time to get up babe" calum said sweetly and kissed my forehead.

I got up off calum and started getting ready. I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and my pierce the veil muscle tee and changed my clothes and put my dirty clothes in my bag. I threw my brown hair in a messy bun and went to start breakfast while the others finished getting ready.

"Mind if i help my beautiful chef" i heard calum say and felt his muscley arms wrap around my waist as i got two pans from the cabnet.

"Yeah. Can you get the eggs out of the fridge and a pack of bacon?" I instructed Calum and he nodded.

*after cooking*

I put the eggs and bacon on separate plates and slid them on the table.

"Now to put my make up on" i muttered to myself and got my make up bag out of my suitcase. I put my foundation on followed by concealer and powder. I did a small cat eye and swiped my eyelashes with mascara and i was finished. I put my makeup bag back in my suitcase. I put my socks and shoes on and took my suitcase to ashtons car.

"Good morning miss kaitlyn" Ashton smiled and carried his bags to his car.

"Good morning ash. Breakfast is on the table" i smiled before walking back into ashtons house.

"Good morning lucas" i smiled and waved at a half asleep luke hemmings. He rubbed his tired eyes before waving back.

"I smell bacon" Michael yelled excitedly before barreling down the stairs, shoving luke out of the way. I laughed at michaels sudden movements and shook my head.

"Who made this?" Michael asked, with his eyes wide open.

"I did.. is it good?" I asked nervously and grabbed a purple monster from the fridge.

"Kaitlyn you can make the best fucking bacon i ever had in my entire life. Please cook for me forever" Michael smiled and continued stuffing his face with food.

"Calum you better hold onto her. She is a keeper" michael added.

"I know. I dont plan on letting her go anytime soon. I love her too much" calum winked, making shivers go down my spine.

*after eating*

"Okay guys lets get going. Our flight leaves in 30 minutes" Ashton said and we all made our way outside to his car, got in and Ashton drove off.

*at the airport*

"Private Flight 182 now boarding for paris, france" the flight attendant said over the intercom.

"Lets go" nicole squealed. I have never been so excited to go somewhere in my entire life.

"Guess what tomorrow is babe?!" Calum smiled at me.

"I dont know what is it?" I joked, making him roll his eyes and chuckle.

"Its my baby girls 16th birthday and im going to spoil the shit out of you and there is nothing you can do about it." As much as i hate surprises, im excited to see what Calum has in store for my birthday.

We walked through the security, gave them our tickets and made our way to our private plane. We were almost to the plane when we heard a bunch of high pitch screams. We all turned around and immediately became mobbed by fans.

The boys stopped and took some pictures with the fans while nicole and i stood there and waited.

"Ew calums still with you" a girl yelled and gave me a discusted look.

"Yes he is. Were both happy together and there is nothing you can do that will change that" i snapped back and immediately got mad as she got up in my face.

"A little bitch like you dont deserve calum" she said and i backed up.

"I know i dont deserve him but, im proud as hell for him to call me his girlfriend" i yelled and walked on the plane.

"What was that about?" Nicole chuckled and sat infront in one of the chairs in front of me.

"Some girl started yelling at me and called me names and said how i didnt deserve calum which i already knew i dont deserve him anyway" i breathed out and brought my knees up to my chest.

"What the hell is wrong with me nicole?" I asked.

"Nothing. Your so close to perfection kaitlyn. Calum loves you, not those girls" nicole said and gave me a small smile.

"Babe?" A voice called through the plane. I look and see calum and relief washed over him.

"Dont listen to them babe. I love you and only you" Calum said and sat beside me, lacing his fingers with mine, kissing my jaw. Maybe Calum was right.

"Im going to do whatever it takes to make this trip perfect for you. You deserve it" Calum added and pulled out his phone and earbuds. He handed me one and i gladly took it. He scrolled through his phone and started playing our song. It is mine and his favorite sleeping with sirens song, "if im james dean you're audrey hepburn."

Stay for tonight. If you want to, I can show you, What my dreams are made of, as I'm dreaming of your face. I've been away for a long time. Such a long time And I miss you there. I can't imagine being anywhere else. I can't imagine being anywhere else but here.

How the hell did you ever pick me? Honestly, I could sing you a song
But I don't think words can express your beauty. It's singing to me.
How the hell did we end up like this? You bring out the beast in me.
I fell in love from the moment we kissed, Since then we've been history.

They say that love is forever. Your forever is all that I need. Please stay as long as you need. Can't promise that things won't be broken,
But I swear that I will never leave. Please stay forever with me.

It goes to show, I hope that you know that you are,What my dreams are made of. Can't fall asleep,can't fall asleep, I lay in my bed awake, in my bed awake at night. As I dream of you. I'll fall in love, you'll fall in love. It could mean everything, everything to me. I can't imagine being anywhere else.

They say that love is forever, Your forever is all that I need. Please stay as long as you need. Can't promise that things won't be broken,
But I swear that I will never leave. Please stay forever with me.

The way that we are, Is the reason I stay. As long as you're here with me. I know we'll be OK.

They say that love is forever. Your forever is all that I need. Please stay as long as you need. Can't promise that things won't be broken,
But I swear that I will never leave. Please stay forever with me.

The perfect start to a hopefully perfect trip..

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