Mother knows best

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I got out the car with jonny and Adam pulled into the drive. Jonny shand was on my arse as we walked over to Adam. He seemed to be having some trouble in the car.

"Alright pussface?" I asked. He rolled the window down

"I can't come Inside" he said

"Just pull out then" I said causing Adam to roll his eyes and jonny to start laughing loudly.

"What's ya problem?" I asked serious

"Well...." he said trailing off. I looked at him and started laughing and turned around.

"What?" Jonny asked confused

"Pussface has a boner" I said as I walked into the house. Jonny followed and Adam drive off. Probably to have a wank

"How did he get a boner?" I asked. He was only in the car

"Apparently, his female who is coming in abit turned him on accidently before he left. He thought it would go down but hasn't" jonny was pissing himself. I was more grossed out

"Evening bambino. Bambina. Where's pussface?" Martin asked

"Gone to have a wank" I said to out it simply. Marting just nodded understandingly and before he could tell us about wanking, we walked off.

"Hi jackie" i said walking into the kitchen. She gave us a kiss and was over excited about Adams female. Well, only happens once a blue moon. I got the cream from the fridge and chucked it at jonny for him to catch. But since we are shit at throwing and catching he dropped it and it landed on the floor making a loud bang. Jackie scolded us before we went into the dining room to put salt in Adams drink.

"Babe stop" I said.

"What? Are you hurt?" He said as he rushed over to me.

"Let's try something different"

"Like what?" He asked intrigued. I ran into the kitchen and came back with the following ingredients

Lemon juice

"I love you" jonny said as we started putting everything in Adams drink. We went and sat on the sofa. I lay across him and he played with my hair as was talked. Then we heard Adam and his female walk in. I looked at jonny and we both bolted to go and meet them. Jackie and Martin were in the garden arguing about something so we got there first.

"You must be pussfaces female" I said. I then looked at Adam and said

"Be honest. Did you drug her?" He rolled his eyes.

"I'm Lauren" she introduced. Adam introduced us as pissface and shitface and didn't let us tell her our actual names as Jackie interrupted. Lauren seemed nice but she kept looking at me weirdly. We all went back into the living room and it was just me, jonny, Adam and Lauren.

"So, how long have you 2 been a thing?" Jonny asked.

"2 months" she replied happily. U was glad Adam had someone and was no longer a loner.

"What about you 2?" She asked looking at me and jonny. I was sat on his lap.

"Since we were 14 so 9 years" she looked shocked my the length of time and it was shocking for some people. But it was normal for us I suppose.

"Would you like a drink?" Adam asked us all. Lauren had a wine. Jonny already had his drink. Adam didn't bother asking me as he already knew the answer. He walked back in with my Vodka

"Are you sure your not an alcoholic?" He asked jokingly.

"No. I'm not. But im not drinking today" I told him. Him and jonny looked at me weirdly

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