Saturday morning pt6

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Me and jonny had moved into a new house a few weeks ago. I was still getting used to it but I loved it so much. It was 3 bedroomed house and it was just lovely.

When I woke up, I noticed jonny wasn't there. He was normally still asleep. I glanced at the clock.



I got out of bed in just my underwear and made my way through the house to find jonny. I found him in the babies nursery trying to put the cot up

"Baby" I said. He jumped and banged his head and a piece of the cot

"Sorry sorry. Didn't mean to scare you" I apologised as i tried not to laugh

"It's alright. Just trying to put this together." He explained

"Honey, don't you think we should get a man to do it" I said as I walked over and rubbed his shoulders. He rested his head on my hand and kissed them softly

"I am a man"

"I mean a real man" he looked at me then rolled his eyes and huffed

"Good point" I smiled triumphantly as he put all the bits and pieces down and stood up to hug me.

"I'll make a cup of tea" I said as I kissed his bare chest.

"Go back to bed. I'll make it love" he told me as he shoved me into bed. I giggled but got under the warm covers. He came back minutes later with 2 cups of tea.

"Thank you sweety" I said to him as I cuddled up up him against the headboard.

"Don't be mad. But I got a call last night. We need to go pick Rox up this afternoon. She is in wales" I told him. He chocked on his drink in shock so I hit his back

"Wales?" He said. "Why?"

"She went to a festival with some friends for a week and they need someone to pick them up" I explained. He groaned and hid his face in my large breasts.

"You said we weren't doing anything today. I don't want her going on train. Not whilst she is wearing festival clothes. It isn't safe. It's disgusting really but that's how society is" I told him.

"I know darling. We will pick her up. Which part of Wales?"

"Cardiff". He went onto his phone and checked the time. Google said it would take 3 hours but that's without traffic.

"We can set off at half 11" he told me.

"Thank you sweety" I told him as I kissed his nose. He smiled and we cuddled up before getting up and getting ready for the terrible day of driving ahead.

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