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It had been 4 months since I told jonny i was pregnant. I was 5 months pregnant and no one knew. We had decided that we would tell everyone as an added gift. Well, gift for Jackie. We knew she would cry about becoming a grandma but we were too happy to care. We were in our flat, waiting for a parcel to arrive before we left for the goodmans. Nothing exciting. Just a dress i had brought and it should be coming in the next 10 minutes. Not like we're in a rush. Jonny came out of our room and put his hands on my waist.

"You look gorgeous" he told me. I went on my toes and gave him a soft kiss

"You have a boner" I told him in his ear to which his eyes went wide and he looked down.

"You just look so pretty. Wanna help me out?" He asked hopeful.

"Nope. Gotta wait for the parcel then we are leaving. Your hand can work wonders" I said to him making him whine but go into the bathroom. I loved teasing him and it was so easy. When the parcel had finally arrived, we went to the goodman household. The car pulled into the drive at the same time as Adams. Since I was pregnant and had a little bump, i didn't feel like running. Adam started to run but stopped and looked confused.

"Why you not running shitface?" He asked

"I'm not feeling great" I told him. Wasn't exactly untruthful. Morning sickness was a bitch.

"Your pregnant aren't you?" He said. Me and jonny looked at eachother wide eyes to which Adams jaw hung open

"Oh my god you are" he ran to go and tell Jackie but jonny stopped the door

"Move pissface" he said. Jonny didn't let him passed

"This is a surprise for mum. Don't ruin it pussface" Adam rolled his eyes but held his hands up in surrender

"I want 20 quid. From both if you" he told us. We were quick to give him the money as of not to ruin the surprise. He walked inside triumphantly as did me and jonny hand in hand. Jackie greeted us and wished us a merry Christmas.

"Merry christmas bambinos. Bambina"

"Merry Christmas martin" I said as he gave me a hug.

"Horrible grandma coming?" Adam asked

"Unfortuantly so" Jackie said.

"Not horrible grandma" I whined as I jumped up the worktop and jonny gave me the cream. He stood inbetween my legs with his head on my shoulder facing the others.

"Who we talking about?" Martin chimed in

"Your mother" Adam replied

"Oh ye. Rest in peace" Martin said. We all looked shocked.

"She isn't dead martin" Jackie reminded him. He tapped his head in realisation

"Oh ye. Always forget" he then goes back to eating food from the bin. How? Just how? The doorbell goes so Adam and jonny race to go and see who it is. I stay sat on the sofa until I hear grandma's voice.

"Grandma" I said as I went and gave her a hug. She hugged me back and gave me a kiss

"You look lovely dolly. Very pretty" she tells me. I smile thankfully as she greets Jackie and Martin. Minutes later, the bell goes again to reveal horrible grandma. Shit on it.

"Let her breathe let her breathe" she repeats as she walks through the house and goes into the living room. We join her reluctantly and I sit on jonnys lap.

"I see your still find it appropriate to show of your behind" she says looking at me.

"I'm wearing jeans" I told her.

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