Saturday morning pt4

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I woke up in my own bed with the scent of jonny next to me. His arm was draped over my stomach and his head was on my shoulder.

"Hey baby" I said to him. He looked up at me and smiled

"I blocked her number from your phone" he told me. I smiled gratefully and gave him a hug. We lay in comfortable silence for atleast 10 minutes before I got a random set of courage.

"I want a baby" I said out if the blue. Jonny shot up and looked me in the eyes

"I thought we agreed on a puppy" he joked as he chuckled nervously.

"We can have both" I said hopefully. He sat up and pulled me onto his lap

"Do you really think we can look after a baby?" He asked.

"Ye. I really do"

"And are we ready? We are still young"

"I know. And if you don't want to then we don't have to. But we have been together 9 years. And I know we will have kids in the future. So why is it different now? We both have stable jobs and enough money. We have saved up and have enough for a house and bigger apartment. And I just-" before I could finish, I felt jonnys lips crash onto mine.

"I want a baby too" he said. I smiled wide and gave him another kiss

"Really?" I asked worried he was just saying this for me.

"Really really. I want a baby with you. The woman I love." I was so grateful to hear him say that.

"Good. I was just checking" I said.

"We can start now" he said with a grin on his face

"Don't need to" I said hoping he would get the hint.


"I'm pregnant honey. I just wanted to know if you wanted kids. We hadn't talked about it"

"You're pregnant?" He asked in a state of shock. I nodded as tears poured out my eyes. Jonny brung me in for a deep kiss and then he made his way down my belly.

"Hi baby. Its your daddy. You were a surprise to us. A big surprise. But also the best one" he kissed my stomach and we cuddled for abit before i ran to the toilet and threw up. He came running after me and held my hair up. Considering we were both naked, this was incredibly unromantic. He stroked my back and helped my back up when I had finished. He would be the best dad. I just knew it.

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