Saturday morning pt8

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I woke up at half 8 to see jonnys side of the bed empty.I sat up and squinted, trying to adjust my eyes to the light.

Jonny walked in at that moment, shirtless with Lyra on his chest.He held her softly as he bounced her gently up and down.

"Say morning to mummy." Jonny said as he walked over and handed our daughter to me. I smiled up at him as I rocked my baby girl in my arms.

"Hey baby" I cooed at her.

She looked up at me with her big blue eyes and then puked.

"Lovely" jonny said sarcastically as I wiped her mouth. We sat staring at her with pure joy for a few minutes in comfortable silence.

"When are you picking up your car?" I asked

"Half 11" he replied.

I looked up at him and gave him a quick peck on the lips. My head rested on his shoulder as we continued to aw over Lyra

"Babe, now don't get mad" my smile dropped

"What did you do?" I said already annoyed as I looked up at him. He smiled nervously at me.

"So you know how I was supposed to pick up Lyras pram from the store because i said I ordered it..."

"Go on. Just say it so I can punch you" I told him with a frown on my face.

"Well i actually didn't order it when i said I would because I kind of sort of forgot about it" he said nervously

"Jonathon" I said with wide eyes

"I have ordered it now. But they said i can't collect it for another 6 weeks" he smiled at me looking terrified

"You're a dick. What are we supposed to do for 6 weeks? We can't carry her everywhere" I told him as I clipped him round the ear. He rubbed his red ear and whined.

"I'm sorry babe"

"Don't babe me. Until you get her a pram, you are sleeping on the sofa" I said.

"For 6 weeks?"

"Not if you get her a pram soon" I said as I smiled smugly. He walked out of the room and I didn't see him for hours.

It started to worry me. It wasn't really a fight. Just annoyed me so I didn't know where he went.

I heard his car pull up and him walk through the door.

"Babe" he said

"In the bedroom" I said. I had got dressed and was now dressing Lyra. He walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist

"This affection better mean you got the pram" I said. He walked off and then came back with the pram I wanted. I didn't expect him to get it and due to my hormones, I began to cry.

"I didn't mean to make you cry" he said as he walked over and let me cry into his chest.

"No. Its not your fault. Thank you baby" I said as he wiped my tears and kissed my cheeks.

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