Rafael's POV

I sighed loudly as I read over the invitation to my twenty-year class reunion. Every single time I receive one, all I can think about is how dumb these truly are. How they are used to show off how much money you have, or how hot of a partner you snatched. But every time another one comes up, all I can think about is how I am single and don't have as much money as those fancy defense lawyers have.

"Rafa?" Olivia asked, and I quickly turned to look at her.


"You just sighed dramatically, and I asked what is wrong. You have yet to tell me what is wrong." Olivia replied, as she requested the elevator. I laughed weakly before looking back down at the paper.

"I just got invited to my stupid reunion. It's been twenty years, and these people still want to meet up and see how old we have all gotten." I grumbled.

"You haven't gotten old, Rafa. You just get better with age." Olivia smiled as we stepped into the elevator together.

I blushed a bit from her compliment before shaking my head.

"I'm not going to this. The first one I was single and poor, and I won't go to this one in the same condition. Completely unchanged."

"Just ask someone to go with you. As a friend, obviously. I'm sure that someone in the ADA's office would be more than willing to dress up and walk in on your arm." Olivia spoke.

I thought for a long moment and was still in deep thought as Olivia and I walked from the elevator.

What she said sounded better than going alone, but the tricky part would be trying to figure out who to ask. It was like every single dance in school. I'd ask someone, get turned down, and then stay home with my mother instead.

"Olivia?" I asked, as we stopped outside of the courtroom.

"Yes, Rafael?" Olivia smiled as she turned to look at me.

"Do you want to get dressed up and attend this reunion with me?" I asked. I didn't want to get my hopes up, but it was hard. Maybe this time I could actually show up and make people realize how successful I actually am. Or want them to think I am.

"Really? You wanna take me?" Olivia asked, her brown eyes wide with surprise.

"Yes, I'd like to take you. As my best friend... so how does that sound?" I breathed.

"Sure, I'll go. I haven't had a chance to dress up in a while."


I went home that night and couldn't stop thinking about what I would say when I arrived at the reunion with Olivia on my arm. I was sure that someone would ask if we were together, and I couldn't help but think about how embarrassed I'd be to say no. To say that I had to ask a friend to attend with me.

"Rafa!" My mother exclaimed, as she let herself into my apartment without a knock.

"Ma, what did I say about knocking? Or warning me beforehand?" I sighed as I moved from the kitchen with a tumbler of whiskey in my hand.

"Rafa, sweet boy, why would I have to warn you?" My mother smiled as she walked to me and placed a kiss on my cheek. I groaned before turning and walking towards the living room.

"I could have had a guest. A woman and I could have been banging each other, and you might have seen it with your own eyes." I replied with a huff. 

My mother let out a laugh before settling down onto the sofa beside me.

"Why is that funny? I could have had someone here!" I huffed as I turned to eye her.

"Rafa, you haven't been with someone in months... it worries me, and that is why I'm here."

"You are here because you are worried about my dating life? Ma-"

"I have a few friends at church that have daughters your age. They are all independent, beautiful, smart, and well-off. I think it would be wise for you to speak to them. Or at least ask one of them on a date." My mother spoke as I rolled my eyes and downed the rest of my whiskey.

"Ma, I'm actually seeing someone." I lied before I even realized what I was saying. I wanted to get my mother to lay off, and lying was the only way right now.

"W-what?" She asked, shocked. 

"Uh, yeah. I have been seeing a co-worker for a while... we are casual right now but are planning on making things official soon. So please stop setting me up."


I was off the next morning, but Olivia wasn't. So I had to go to the precinct to ask her for some help. I needed advice about the lie I told my mother. I didn't want my mother to go searching for my fake girlfriend and end up hurt by my lie.

"Liv!" I called, as I walked into the squadroom. Olivia stepped away from the coffee pots and eyed me.

"Uh, we didn't call you and you don't work today either... so what is-"

"I need help! Like, right now. Please." I begged.

Olivia nodded quickly before motioning me to follow her. We walked back to an interrogation room, and once inside, I started to ramble.

"Woah there, Rafa! Slow down." Olivia spoke, as she reached out and gently grabbed my arm.

"Liv, I really fucked up and I need help."

"Okay, start over... tell me what happened." Olivia breathed, as she led me to the table. We sat down together, and I sighed as I looked down at the cold metal table.

"So my mother is trying to set me up with some girls from the church. She keeps saying that I need someone... She is getting older and wants me to give her grandkids, and she's trying to expedite that. But I don't want to be set up with some girl from the church, so I lied to her."

"What did you tell her?" Olivia asked. I could tell that she was shocked about the fact I lied to my mother.

"I told her I was dating someone, and I kinda need to either fake it or find an actual girlfriend before she realizes."

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