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Olivia's POV

The girls only got to stay with us for about two weeks. I hated to admit it, but I had grown attached to them and cried when Ms. Chang called to inform me she had found a long-lost aunt in Buffalo. 

"I'm sure we will see them in the future." Rafael smiled as he helped me pack up what we had purchased for the little girls. Annie and Morgan were both such sweethearts who got along with both me and my husband, and I was scared that this aunt would hurt them. Then they wouldn't be able to trust anyone again.

"We won't, Rafa... and I guess we will probably forget about them in a few months. We will be busy figuring out our own lives and when we want to make Javier a big brother." I breathed, but I didn't even believe myself. I would always remember Annie and Morgan, and they would always be in my prayers.

"Speaking of Javi-" Rafael started, but he stopped when the girls screamed that someone was here.

"You go get the door and I'll finish packing." I breathed. My husband nodded before leaning in and kissing me softly.

"You got this, babe."

I finished packing the bags for the girls before carrying them out and into the living room. Ms. Chang was standing in front of the girls and explained to them about what was happening. However, once they spotted me, they ignored her and asked me about what was happening.

"So Ms. Chang found your aunt! She's in Buffalo, and you two are going to be moving in with her. I have only heard nice things about her, so you two should be happy there." I smiled as I moved over to the girls and squatted down in front of them.

"Why can't we stay here?" Morgan asked. She had come out of her shell over the last few weeks, and now I was afraid she'd just slip back into it again.

"Mor-" Ms. Chang spoke, but I interrupted her.

"When CPS takes you from your parents, they always try to place you with family. It took a while, but we found your aunt and everything is good now. If you need anything at all, Rafa and I will always be here for you." I smiled gently before reaching out to Annie.

Both girls quickly stepped forward and hugged me tightly. I closed my eyes as I embraced them, before holding them at arm's length.

"I'm gonna miss you." Annie whispered, and I nodded slowly.

"I will miss you too, but you will be happy. That is all I can ask for you two."


Rafael's POV

My wife and I really hated the quietness of our house after Morgan and Annie were taken to Buffalo. It was Sunday morning, so we didn't have work, so we kind of of just had to sit and listen to absolutely nothing.

"I really hope they are going to be happy in Buffalo." Olivia spoke as she turned to face me.

"I do too. They are strong little girls, and I'm sure they will land in the best place for them." I smiled. Olivia nodded before leaning back against the couch.

We sat for a while longer before Olivia looked at me.

"What were you going to say about Javi earlier?" She asked.

"Oh, I was going to talk about when you may want to start trying again. I know it hasn't been long since we lost Javier, but I was thinking you may know, at least, when you may want to try again." I replied nervously.

Olivia shrugged slightly, as she shifted her position so she was laying with her head on my lap. I ran my fingers through her wavy brown locks before watching as she closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry if my question is stressful. You don't need to worry about answering me now, but I'd like some sort of timeline, eventually."

"I'd like to wait a few more months, especially since I don't want to be pregnant and find out Annie and Morgan need to move back with us again." Olivia explained as she looked up at me. I gave her a weak smile before nodding slowly.

"Sounds good."


"Those girls are special, and if we need to wait and make sure they are good, then I'm fine waiting. And it's only because I'm madly in love with you."

"I have you wrapped around my finger, Rafael." Olivia grinned as she sat up slowly and captured my lips.


My wife and I went back to work on Monday, and things slowly got back to normal. We worked long hours, but always tried to go home and sleep beside each other in our bed.

As the weeks went on, Olivia and I thought that Morgan and Annie must really be in the perfect place for them.

"Let's take this to the bedroom." Olivia breathed heavily as I sucked on her neck. 

"You are so boring." I teased, before I went back to kissing her.

"Rafa, your mother and grandmother sit on this sofa. Do you want them to sit on a couch that we could conceive a child on?" Olivia asked before she moaned deeply. I smiled as I leaned back. I was completely proud of the noises I was causing her to make.

"Bedroom. Now." Olivia ordered.

I laughed as we scrambled to our feet and ran to our bedroom. Within a few moments, we were laying in bed together making love. It was the first time since Javier had been lost, so it was hot and heavy in a way it hadn't been before.

Several times I had heard Olivia's phone ring from the living room, but we ignored it each time. Once we were done, I left the bedroom and went into the living room to grab Olivia's phone.

"I don't know if you heard this, but it was ringing like crazy." I spoke, as I passed Olivia the phone and then a bottle of water.

"If it's work, Cragen can wait until the morning for me to come in. I'm not done with you." Olivia grinned as she unlocked her phone before playing the voicemail.

After a moment, she was climbing out of bed and quickly gathered her clothes.

"Liv?" I questioned.

"The call was from Annie. She and Morgan are in the hospital. It sounds like someone beat the shit out of them."

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