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Rafael's POV

The girls were released a week after they were injured, and we brought them home with us. Annie and Morgan quickly fell into life with us. They enjoyed the love and attention they received, along with the two grandmothers that they got when becoming out girls.

"I don't think I have ever been this tired." My wife yawned once our alarm had gone off. Days were longer now that we had work and two little girls to chase after.

"I know. It's like we sleep and wake up even more tired than we were when we went to bed." I sighed as I reached over and pushed my wife's messy bangs off of her forehead.

We laid there for a while longer, before my wife rolled out of bed and stretched.

"Alright, we need to get our day started before I call off and nap all day." Olivia spoke, as she smiled softly at me.

"Yes, ma'am." I teased, before climbing out and walking to where she stood. We kissed for a few long moments before my wife stepped back and took a slow breath.

"You okay?" I asked softly.

"Just a little queasy... I don't even remember if I ate last night." She said with a shaky smile.


Olivia went into work at seven, and I stayed home with the girls until their caseworker came to do a house visit and then I'd take the girls to school.

"When can we get adopted?" Morgan asked out of no-where, as I poorly braided her blonde hair.

"Uh, soon hopefully. Why?" I asked, as I tied off her braid before spraying a bit hairspray.

"I just want a mama and daddy really bad." She sighed.

"They are our mama and daddy, Mo." Annie replied with a smile. I looked at her and nodded as tears burned my eyes.

We hadn't told them if they could or couldn't call us mama and daddy, because we were told that they'd do it when they were ready. I know that when it happens for the first time; I was going to cry like a baby. 

"So do we tell people that or wait?" Morgan questioned, as she titled her head to the side and looked at me. I squatted down in front of her before smoothing her bangs.

"Liv and I are working on adopting you. It's going to happen, so tell who you want. Start picking who you want to invite to your big party." I grinned. Morgan threw herself at me and hugged me tightly. 

"I love you." She mumbled into my neck, and the tears started from those words.

"I love you too, Morgan."


The home visit went well, and the girls were so excited to get to school. I went to work and the day kind of dragged on. Even though I love my job, and my kids exhaust me, I was really wishing I was home with them. 

"Hey, baby." Olivia spoke when I got home from work. Morgan and Annie were racing around the living room and Olivia was busy trying to finish dinner. 

"How was work?" I smiled as I moved over to her. We kissed a few times before she answered.

"It was long. Then I had to take the girls to get new shoes, since they both played in mud puddles today." Olivia yawned.

"Those two are trouble." I smiled, and she nodded slowly before moving to grab some plates.

Olivia seemed paler than this morning and like she was almost fighting to stay awake. I moved to her side and wrapped my arms around her body.

"Still not feeling well?"

"I'm fine-"

"Don't lie, baby. If you aren't feeling good, I'll take over things tonight. You can eat some dinner and then go to bed." 

"I feel like shit, Rafa. I have a horrible headache and I kinda feel sick. I think that I have worked myself too hard and now I'm paying for it... so can you give the girls each a bath and put them down? I will pick out their clothes and make lunches in the morning." Olivia whispered as tears welled in her eyes.

I know that my wife was excited to have the girls here, but I know the effects of suddenly going from no kids to two was kicking her ass.

"I will do everything for you, Liv. Just go get some sleep. You really need it."


I spent my evening taking care of the girls. They didn't really seem to notice that Olivia had laid down since they were talking a mile a minute about school. I gave them bathes, packed lunches for tomorrow, and had the girls help me decide on their clothes for tomorrow. I wanted to make sure that there was nothing left for Olivia to do but get herself ready. She was stressed, and the last thing I wanted was for my wife to decide that adopting the girls would be too hard.

When I went into the bedroom, my wife wasn't in bed but the bathroom light was on.

"You okay, baby?" I asked as I leaned against the door.

"Y-yeah. I'll be out soon." Olivia spoke, her voice shaking.

"Are you-"

"I'll be out soon!" Olivia exclaimed. I grew concerned, but gave her some space.

As I was just finishing changing, the bathroom door opened, and my wife spoke my name.


"Can you come here, please?" She whispered.

"Of course. Are you sure that you are fine?" I asked weakly.

"I got sick tonight, and it didn't make me feel better. But then I thought about everything happening. We are both exhausted, but I feel dead all the time. My headaches are worse and I'm feeling sick on and off. Then I had to get a bigger bra because my usual one didn't fit, but I thought it was just because I was gaining a bit of weight... but Rafa, this is why." Olivia whimpered, as she handed something out to me. 

Her hand was shaking, and it took me a moment to look down at her hand. Sitting in her palm was a test, and on the digital screen was one word I didn't expect to see.

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