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Rafael's POV

We spent several hours with my mother and Abuela before heading home. The girls were sleeping by the time we got home, so Olivia sat together in the front seat and talked quietly.

"I'm glad the girls took the news so well. They didn't even question the love we had for them now that we are having a baby." Olivia spoke as she looked over at me.

"I feel like we constantly tell Annie and Morgan that we love them, so it's hard for them to doubt it now. And anyway, we didn't expect for you to get pregnant. This baby is a surprise, just like their big brother and sisters." I smiled. Olivia nodded at the thought before smiling to herself.

"I'm really excited to have another baby with you, Rafa. This time I pray we get to see our son's sweet face in July."

"We will, Liv. What happened with Javi won't happen again. I will protect you and our unborn baby at all costs. Okay?" I breathed. Olivia nodded as tears welled in her eyes.

"Thanks, Rafa..."


Everything was kinda a blur from announcing Olivia's pregnancy to around her birthday. There was a lot of paperwork that we had to do, since we were on the fast track to adopting Morgan and Annie. With that, we also had to work on finding a new apartment since we were quickly out growing our currently one, which we didn't expect to happen so fast.

"Wow." I smiled, from where I stood in the living room. My wife had been in our bedroom for nearly an hour with the girls, and now I knew what was taking so long.

Olivia had spent so much time curling the hair of our kids, along with making sure the dresses they were wearing were perfect. Annie and Morgan looked like little angels, and I couldn't believe that they were mine. That all three girls in front of me were mine. 

"Do we look good, Daddy?" Annie asked shyly. 

"You and your sister look stunning." I breathed as tears welled in my eyes. I squatted down and my daughters ran to me. I wrapped my arms around their bodies before placing soft kisses to their foreheads.

"Do we look like Mama?" Morgan whispered, and I nodded.

"You two are beautiful, just like your mama." I replied, before giving them one more tight hug.

I stood and sent the girls to get their shoes on before moving to where Olivia stood.

"I did a good job, huh?" She asked, and I chuckled and nodded.

"You did a very good job, Liv. But now I'm going to have three girls to wait around for, since I'm certain those two are going to want to get all gussied up all the time." 

Olivia and I laughed for a moment before she looked at her watch.

"We gotta go."

"Are you sure?" I teased.

"Today is a big day, Rafael. We can't let the girls be late for their own adoption."


Olivia's POV

We arrived at the courthouse about ten minutes before we were supposed to start the adoption. Lucia, Catalina, Amanda, Alex, and Fin were there. The other guys wanted to come, but they had gotten a case and volunteered to stay at the precinct so Aunt Amanda and Uncle Fin could see their nieces get adopted.

"Those two are so excited." Alex spoke as we stood together outside of our designated courtroom. The girls were showing everyone their pretty dresses and the brand new cross necklaces that each had gotten for their adoption gifts.

"When we told them they were finally getting adopted, the girls cried for hours about. For the first time in forever, they finally had happy tears running down their cheeks, not sad ones." I smiled as I watched Rafael hold Annie and Morgan's hands and helped them to spin around. Their skirts picked up a bit, and they giggled loudly from it.

"When we met, I never expected to be standing here with you when you adopted two kids."

"Did you think I'd be alone my entire life?" I asked, and Alex sighed as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder.

"I prayed you would find someone. I just was worried that maybe your someone had abandoned you." Alex whispered.

I kept my eyes glued to my husband as I thought about Elliot. Alex was right. All along I had assumed he was the one for me, but that he had already found Kathy. But now, now I know Elliot wasn't even close to the one for me. I just had to wait a little longer for Rafael to find me. 

For us to fall in love on accident.

"Rafael is the one that God made for me, Alex. All of this pain and suffering is what we were supposed to go through, even if I hated most of it. But today... today is a reward for being strong through all the shit we have experienced."

"Mama, the door is open!" Annie exclaimed.

"Auntie Alex and I will be there in a moment."


On the day I turned 35, I was officially a mother to two adorable little girls, a little boy that I have never stopped loving, and what we were assuming was yet another son was well on his way into the world. It was honestly one of my favorite birthdays, and it was one that I never expected to have. I never thought I'd be this happy.

"Happy Birthday, my love." Rafael smiled as he came into our bedroom. The girls had passed out by now, so we could finally be alone after spending all day celebrating the adoption.

"Thank you." I replied from where I lounged in bed. Rafael climbed in beside me before tugging me close. He ran his hand over my belly for a moment before looking up at me.

"Today was an amazing day, Liv."

"I agree, Rafa. The girls they made sure I had all of their paperwork finished for school tomorrow. So then no one can call them Annie and Morgan Cooper anymore, only Annie and Morgan Barba." I spoke as tears welled in my eyes.

"And their names flow so good together." Rafael smiled, before pulling me tight to his chest.

Today was perfect, and I pray that every day in the future is too. Or as close as we can get.

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