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Olivia's POV

My husband and I got into our car and drove as quickly as we could to Buffalo. It was a six-hour drive, so we definitely had a lot of time to worry along the way.

"What do we do when we get there?" Rafael asked, about halfway through our drive. I looked up from my phone before sighing.

"I just sent Ms. Chang a text to inform her what is happening. I guess we will figure it out once we get to the hospital... God, I just hope they are okay." I whispered as tears welled in my eyes. Annie and Morgan had already been abused before. Now the place we had determined to be their safe haven was no longer safe.

"Babe, this isn't your fault." Rafael spoke. He knew me too well. I was beating myself up inside because I had told the girls that their aunt was a nice woman, yet I knew barely any details about her. 

"I'm scared that they won't trust me anymore. That-"

"They called you, Liv. Clearly they love and trust you still. They don't blame you."

"If we bring them home, all of our plans may be pushed back. We may not be having another baby for a while and-"

"Olivia, calm down! Everything is happening for a reason, and if we are meant to take things girls in again then things will fall how they are supposed to. Please, just try to relax for the rest of our ride."

"Thanks for putting up with my crazy ass." I whispered, and my husband smiled as he reached out and rubbed my thigh.

"It's an honor, Liv."


Rafael and I swapped out not long after our talk and I finished the drive to Buffalo. When we went straight to the hospital, and it wasn't that hard to find Morgan and Annie. The girls had informed the hospital that my husband and I would be coming to see them, even if CPS hadn't approved it yet.

"Liv!" Morgan sobbed from her bed. I felt ill as soon as I saw the girls. Both were bruised and bloody, their tiny bodies wrapped in bandages.

"Oh, babies. What happened?" I asked, as I rushed to the bed they shared. There was another bed in the room, but clearly Morgan and Annie insisted on being together.

"Aunt Nancy did this... she said we were naughty girls and that our parents were right when they hurt us." Annie whimpered, as she held on tightly to her little sister. I swallowed hard before looking over my shoulder at Rafael. His face was red with anger and his hands were balled up at his sides.

"You won't be going back to her. We will figure out a way to keep you safe." Rafael spoke, as he came up beside him.

"Rafa-" I started, but he shook his head as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"We can take apart Javier's nursery and put those things in storage. We can buy beds for the girls and we can totally fit a few extra dressers in there, too. Olivia, anything they need, we can provide for them... They are never going back to their aunt." Rafael breathed, before he moved away from me and settled down beside the girls.


Rafael's POV

Ms. Chang showed up a few hours after my wife and I did. Olivia met her out in the hall and they discussed what was happening while I hung out with the girls.

"Who's Javier?" Annie asked, as she kept her eyes focused on the small TV on the far wall.

"He is our son."

"Where is he then?" Morgan questioned, as both girls looked away from the TV and at me.

"Javi is in heaven. When he was in Olivia's belly, they both got hurt and he didn't make it."

"I'm sorry." Morgan whispered, and I nodded.

"Thanks, honey. Will you two be okay if-" I started, but I stopped when Olivia walked into the room and smiled.

"So I have good news, girls."

"What is it?" Annie asked quickly.

"You and Morgan are coming home with me and Rafa. We are going to foster you both in hopes of either finding you an adoptive family or-"

"We will adopt you." I blurted out, and Olivia gave me a smile and nodded.



The girls were both pretty injured and malnourished, so they were going to stay in the hospital for a while. We asked to transfer them to a New York City hospital, but they refused because CPS didn't want to pay the bill for the ambulance ride.

So Olivia and I got a hotel room, and each took a leave of absence so we could be here for our girls. We needed to be their parents, because in the future we wanted to adopt them.

"Yes, thank you." Olivia spoke, before hanging up her phone. 

"Who called?" I asked where I did some work on my computer. It was just paperwork from one of my last cases that I didn't finish before we left.

"It was Ms. Chang." 

"Why?" I sighed, slightly annoyed at the woman that sent our girls to a woman with a line of abuse charges.

"She just wanted to discuss home visits and everything. Alex and Amanda are getting Javi's room taken down and repurposed into the girls' room. They are going to take over the first house visit since we are still up here with them." Olivia explained as she sat down on the bed.

"Are you excited about bringing them home soon?" I asked, after turning my laptop off and moving to where my wife sat.

She gave me a tired smile before nodding.

"Yeah, I am. Rafa, do you ever wonder if I lost Javier because Annie and Morgan needed us? Like God knew we couldn't handle three kids right off the bat, so he took Javier because we were meant to be Morgan and Annie's parents." Olivia whispered.

"We don't know why he does things, but maybe that is the reason you and Javi got hurt."

"I really want to be a mom so bad, and I cannot wait for them to be ours. Officially." Olivia whimpered, before she turned into me and we embraced for longer than we ever have.

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