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Olivia's POV

Knowing that Rafael was so excited to be a father really made everything easier. The night that I told him, we celebrated with sparkling cider and discussions about our future with our child.

"I'd like us to come up with names soon." Rafael spoke as we laid together in bed. I looked over at him and smiled.

"Don't you already have a note on your phone or computer with baby names?" I teased, and my husband blushed a dark red.

"You were snooping, weren't you?" He asked, and I shrugged.

"Maybe just a little bit... but it was worth it! I especially like that you want to honor your father, mother, and grandmother."

"What about you? Do you have names picked out yet?" Rafael asked as he pulled me tightly to his side. 

"Not yet, but I will start working on that." I smiled as I rested my head against Rafael's shoulder.

We didn't fall asleep right away, especially since our thoughts were running wild. Our relationship was moving faster than either of us had expected, but I know I was enjoying the fast pace we were currently at. 

"I love you, Rafa." I whispered once I felt his heartbeat slow down as sleep started to claim him.

"I love you too, Livvie."


For the next few weeks, Rafael and I were having the hardest time being patient. We marked each day off with a big red x, but that just made us more anxious for the arrival of our baby. We had been going back and forth on what we thought our baby would be, but we both decided on a boy. We were certain and just needed the doctor to confirm our suspicions.

"I have a few meetings, but then I will meet you at your doctor's office. Okay?" Rafael spoke as we stood on the front steps of the courthouse. 

"You won't be late, right? Today could be the day we find out if we really are having a son." I spoke as Rafael's hand gently caressed my belly. 

"I promise, Liv! I will be there holding your hand the moment we see our little boy." Rafael smiled, before he leaned in and kissed me. We kissed for a few long moments before he headed down the stairs.

"Wait, Rafa!" I called, once he reached the bottom.

"Yes, dear?" He sighed as he turned to look at me.

"We love you." I smiled, my face growing red from those words. I never said that we loved him, only that I did.

"I love you both so much, Liv. Make sure our kid knows that." Rafael smiled before he waved at me.

I went inside the courthouse and headed to the stairs. Today, Alex was starting one of her first big trials since coming back as our ADA. I hadn't been a huge part of it, and I wasn't on the witness list, so I was going to just sit in and watch the first few days since I was on desk duty, anyway.

As I walked up the stairs, I saw as the suspect was being moved towards the courtroom. He was standing at the top of the stairs, just waiting to be escorted, but he froze when he saw me. I had interrogated him a bit before I announced my pregnancy, and I could tell he was pissed off at me.

"Bitch." He hissed, as I neared the top of the stairs.

"Your lawyer isn't here. It's not a good idea to talk to me." I replied.

"If it wasn't for you, bitch, I wouldn't be going to trial!" He yelled, and within a moment he had shook himself from the officer's grip and gave me a shove down the stairs.


"Mrs. Barba, it's okay. I'm here. It's Regina." Rafael's assistant spoke as she kneeled down next to me. My eyes fluttered open, and all I could see were tons of worried faces around me.

"W-what's happening?" I panted as I tried to move, but everything hurt so bad.

"Don't move. Your neck might be broken... please, just stay still."

"Regina! Please, what happened?" I sobbed.

"I think I saw someone push you down the stairs." A random person spoke, as they squatted down beside me.

"We called an ambulance, and they are on the way. We are going to get you help." Regina smiled, but her lips were shaking.

"M-my baby. Oh no!" I cried out, as my shaky hands found my belly. 

"Hey, everything is going to be okay."

"I need Rafa! Regina-"

"I'll call him!" Regina exclaimed, as a group of EMTs came rushing into the courthouse and demanded that everyone move.

Regina stayed by my side as my neck was secured, and they moved me onto the gurney.

"Where are you taking her? I need to tell her husband." Regina asked as she brushed a tear from my pale cheek.

"New York Presbyterian. We can be there in ten minutes at the most." One replied.

"Okay, did you hear that, Olivia? Ten minutes! I'll get Rafael there, and you'll see him soon." Regina smiled, but it wasn't convincing me at all.


I laid in a quiet room off of the main ER. Tears had stained my cheeks at this point, but I couldn't shed anymore. I was in pain, and just waiting for the staff to move me to another room. One where I could recover from the loss of my baby and the quick and painful labor I had.

"Olivia?" A soft voice whispered from the doorway. I was facing the wall, so I didn't know who came or went.

"Olivia, sweetheart." The voice spoke a little louder, and this time I knew it was my mother-in-law. Rafael hadn't arrived yet, and I was almost glad he hadn't. I didn't want to tell him I lost our baby.

"L-lucia?" I asked weakly, my voice hoarse.

"Hi, honey. Regina couldn't get ahold of Rafael, so she called me. She didn't want you to be alone while she went to find that husband of yours." She breathed. I bit my lip hard, before swallowing hard.

"You didn't have to come. I know you hate me." I whispered, as I wrapped my arm around my body. I ached all over, and the pain of losing my son wasn't the only thing that hurt. The fall had broken my right arm, caused bruising all over my body, but luckily I didn't hit my head. I almost wish I had, then I wouldn't know what had happened.

"Olivia, I don't hate you. I was angry, but I know when that anger has to leave. When it isn't important anymore, and right now, it isn't. You and Rafael are the important ones." Lucia breathed softly as she walked around the bed and sat on the chair in front of me.

"I lost him."

"I know, honey. The doctor told me. I'm so sorry." Lucia whispered.

"We were going to find out what he was today, instead I went into labor and had to deliver him... He was gone before he was born, and I don't think I have ever been this angry in my life." I whimpered.

"What can I do to help you, sweet girl?" Lucia asked as she reached out and gently caressed my hair.

"Just stay with me. Please. Right now, I need a mom... I need you." I spoke, as I broke into sobs.

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