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Olivia's POV

Rafael insisted that he be the bad guy in this situation, and for me to not approach his grandmother and mother. But I didn't like listening to orders, so I went over to the apartment and talked to Catalina and Lucia in a more gentle way. I didn't plan on blaming them like Rafael did.

"Hello?" Lucia asked as she opened her apartment door.

"Hi, Mrs. Barba." I spoke.

"Olivia, what are you doing here?" Lucia sighed softly.

"I think we need to talk about what was happening with me and Rafael." I smiled.

"Rafael lied to us and treated us poorly. I didn't raise him to act like this, and I didn't think you would go along with it." Lucia huffed. She was incredibly hurt by her Rafael, and she didn't know what she did to deserve that.

"Mrs. Barba, Rafael was desperate. If you let me in, I can tell you and Catalina about everything. Please." I begged.

Lucia looked at me for a moment before sighing.

"Come in."

I settled on the sofa with Lucia, since Catalina was doing something at church right now.

"Speak." Lucia sighed, and I turned towards her and let out a weak sigh.

"Rafa came to me after he found out about his class reunion. He asked me to be his date, and then it kinda snowballed from there. He asked me to play his girlfriend around you and Catalina too, especially since a lot of his classmates go to your church." I explained.

"That doesn't make what he did right."

"I know, but Rafael did it because he was stressed out. He also felt like he was disappointing you when it came to not dating or making you a grandmother. So he thought if we faked a relationship then you might relax for a bit so he had more time to find his true love." I breathed.

"Are you his true love? Because if not, then this is still a waste of time! He is never going to settle down and start a family! I know that he will make an amazing father one day!"

"I know that too, Lucia. But he isn't ready yet." I spoke.

"This doesn't help me understand his poor choice, Olivia. So please leave. Tell my son that I'm disappointed in him, and I don't want to talk to him."


"You are just as bad as him, Olivia. Trust me."


I made things worse. I thought that I could smooth things out, but I was incredibly wrong. 

"Hi, Rafa." I smiled sweetly, as I walked into his office. He looked up from his desk, before closing his eyes tightly.

"You went and talked to my mother, didn't you?" He asked, and I sighed before shutting the door behind me.

"Yes, I did. I am so sorry that I messed things up."

"Babe, it was already pretty fucked up. So I'm assuming you didn't do too much more. Just c'mere." Rafael sighed. I walked over and sat on the edge of his desk as he turned his chair to look at me.

"She said that I'm as bad as you now."

"Liv, don't listen to her." Rafael frowned. He reached out and squeezed my knee.

"She just wants you to be happy, to find someone to marry and have kids with. She'd also like for that to all happen when she can still be a grandmother to those kids and I think the same with your Abuela too... but she is just a little forceful when it comes to that." I sighed.

Rafael leaned back in his chair and appeared to be in deep thought. I was going to leave to give him space to think, but when I went to the door he stopped me.


"Yeah?" I asked, as I turned around slowly.

"Do you wanna get married?"


"Do you want to get married? We can get our license and get married in a few days. Maybe plan for Friday." Rafael smiled. I looked at him with wide eyes, before shrugging.

"I don't know, Rafa. Do you really wanna marry me? After all the shit that has happened?" I asked.

"You are my best friend, Liv. We are dating and I love you, so we might as well just take the next step. Figure it out as we go." Rafael grinned.

I let out a laugh as I decided to toss everything out the window.

"Sure. Let's get married."


Before I left the courthouse, Rafael and I went and got our marriage license. It was a crazy thing to do, but I was honestly super excited about it. The next morning I went to work and could barely sit still since I was so excited.

"Your hands are shaking. I don't think that you should drink anymore coffee." Fin chuckled as he took my mug from my hands.

"Huh?" I asked, as I sat the coffeepot down.

"Your hands are shaking."

"Oh, yeah. That isn't from the coffee." I laughed before hearing Rafael call my name. I turned around quickly and smiled.

"Hey, Liv. You ready for lunch?" He asked, and I nodded.

"I am. Give me one moment." I replied. 

"What was that about?" Fin asked, as he followed me to the locker room. I unlocked my locker and grabbed a hanging bag with my wedding dress in it.

"Oh, Rafael and I are going to have lunch."

"Okay, but you two never go out and have lunch. Especially since you two started fighting." Fin replied.

"Okay, but things change. I'll tell you later. Now, tell Cragen that I may be a little late."


Rafael and I got married to Alex Cabot and another ADA friend there with us. It was quiet, but I was happy and so was Rafael. Rafael and I had plans to celebrate this weekend, so I went back to work as if nothing had happened. Except I had a wedding band on now.

"Benson, you are late." Cragen sighed as he came out of his office and looked at me.

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, and I hope it won't happen again." I replied.

"Are you going to tell me why you are late? Or should I just assume you don't have a watch anymore?" Cragen asked, as everyone turned to look at me. I was never late coming into work or when I left for lunch, but today I was so it was incredibly suspicious.

"I got married. It took longer than expected."

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