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Olivia's POV

My husband stood and stared at the test for several minutes before looking up at me. He had tears in his eyes, and a smile spread over his lips.

"You're pregnant." He said, his voice shaking.

"Yeah, I guess I am... Rafa, how are we going to manage two little girls and a newborn? How am I supposed to make it through the day when I'm exhausted from being pregnant and running after our daughters?" I asked, my voice weak. I didn't want to say something that I'd regret and possibly have the girls hear it. 

My husband pulled me close and placed a soft kiss on my forehead. 

"We will figure everything out, Liv. Even if it means we need to get some help. But in the end, we are going to be amazing parents to Morgan, Annie, and this baby. Let alone the one in heaven that clearly sent this baby to us." Rafael breathed, as I buried my face into the crook of his neck.

He held me for several long moments as I cried quietly. I was not prepared and I don't know if I will ever be completely prepared to be a mother of three so quickly. I didn't even get the chance to build up to three kids. It was like they were all tossed at us, and I didn't know how long it would take me to get used to it.

"Javi sent this baby to us." Rafael spoke again since I hadn't replied.

"I just hope this baby doesn't leave us to be with him."


I really struggled to wrap my head around the idea of being pregnant. It was something I hadn't expected so soon, so I was overwhelmed. But over the next few weeks, Rafael was an absolute sweetheart. He was always there for me to talk too, and he even cut back some of his hours to ensure that I had help with the girls. 

We kept our pregnancy quiet for the next month to ensure that if something happened, Rafael and I would be the only ones suffering. But at twelve weeks pregnant, I was given the all clear and my doctor confirmed that my pregnancy was officially viable.

"Did your mother question you on why we needed them to watch the girls?" I asked, as Rafael and I climbed the stairs to his mother's apartment.

"She never questions it. Ma and Abuela just adore our daughters, just like they are going to adore this little one too." Rafael smiled as he stopped me on the landing before his mother's floor.

Rafael wrapped his arms around my body before leaning in and kissing me softly. It felt almost calming to feel my husband's lips against mine. He always centered me when I was about to freak out.

"Do you hope for a son?" I asked softly before we continued up the stairs.

"I already have a son, Liv. So if I got a second one, I wouldn't mind it." He smiled as he glanced my way.

"I love you, Rafa." I breathed.

"I love you too, darling."


Lucia and Catalina asked us to stay for dinner, so we didn't have time to announce my pregnancy right away, since I was busy helping with dinner. I kept catching my mother-in-law glancing my way or staring directly at me. It got a tad annoying, so I finally asked why she kept staring.

"I'm just worried about you, honey. You are pale." Lucia replied.

"Ma, there is no reason to be worried about me. I'm fine. Rafael and I are still adjusting to being parents. Morgan and Annie are hyper all the time, so we do a lot more running around instead of relaxing." I explained, even though I knew I looked different because growing another human was taking a lot out of me.

"Did you see your doctor just in case?"

"I actually saw my doctor today. Everything is great."

"Are you sure? You could always get a second-"

"Mama, I'm fine! I promise!" I exclaimed, and Lucia nodded slowly before walking to me. She pulled me into a warm embrace before kissing my temple.

"I know I can be annoying, but you are like a daughter to me. No, you are my daughter. I just get worried about you, like I worry about my Rafa."

"I know, and I love you for that. My mother never worried about me, so having you do it is a nice change."

Dinner was ready not long after my talk with Lucia. The girls set the table with Rafael before we all sat together and prayed. Once we all said amen, food was passed around and Rafael and I cut pork for our daughters.

"Mama, how was your appointment?" Annie asked sweetly, after I sat her plate in front of her.

"It went good, baby. Thank you for asking." I smiled as I settled back down in my chair.

"What was the appointment for?" Catalina asked, from where she sat beside Morgan. I looked over at my husband who was smiling like an idiot. I gave him a small nod before he answered his Abuela's question.

"A month ago, Olivia took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. So today was her twelve week appointment. Her doctor gave her the all clear and we should be bringing home a baby in early July." Rafael smiled.

The table went silent, and I watched as Lucia started to cry. After the loss of Javier, she didn't know if she'd ever have a grandbaby to snuggle. Now she was going to have three grandbabies on Earth to spoil and one heavenly grandbaby that she prayed about daily.

"Mama, are those good tears?" Rafael asked softly, as Morgan and Annie climbed off their chairs to come and see me. I looped my arms around their small bodies as Lucia nodded.

"I am so grateful to God blessing you two with another beautiful baby. I am so beyond happy."

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