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Rafael's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night to my wife whispering. I expected to see her ending a call in our room, but she wasn't even in there. Slowly, I climbed out of bed and looked into the bathroom before heading out into the living room. I froze when I saw Olivia laying a blanket down over two little girls. 

"Olivia?" I asked, and she turned around quickly and smiled at me.

"Uh, hi."

"Who are these two?" I asked, as I rubbed my eyes with my fists.

"These two are Annie and Morgan. They are going to be staying with us for a bit."

"A bit? Olivia-"

"Meet me in our bedroom. I'll be in there shortly." Olivia replied. I nodded and turned back to my bedroom as Olivia spoke softly to the little ones.

"Alright, girls. I am going to be just in that room, so if you need anything at all, please wake me up. You are safe here, so I pray you sleep well." Olivia breathed. I watched as she smoothed the blankets covering them before turning and looking at me.

"C'mon." I spoke.

My wife and I went into our bedroom and I watched as she changed into her pajamas.

"Okay, so who are they?" I asked with a weak yawn.

"They are two victims. Ms. Chang couldn't place them anywhere right now, so I volunteered us... I hope that's okay. I just couldn't let them stay at the precinct or be with someone who won't understand what they are going through."

"Liv, we don't have enough space to keep two little girls for long. This won't be a permanent thing, okay?" I spoke, and she nodded as she climbed into bed beside me.

"I know, baby. It's just until they can find a family member to keep them."

"I can't tell if you are lying to me, but you are super cute around them, so I won't question it."


The next morning, I woke up and found Annie and Morgan in bed with us. I don't remember them waking Olivia up, but I'm assuming they got permission to crash with us. 

"Good morning, handsome." Olivia smiled from where she was already making me coffee.

"The girls are in our bed." I spoke, and she nodded.

"They got scared last night. Someone's car backfired out on the street and they thought it was a gun. I'm taking them into work with me today, so we can discuss their fear of guns." Olivia explained as she passed me a mug.

"Do they know when they may find a family member?" I asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"No, they don't. But Ms. Chang is keeping me updated. Until then, we can make this work... right?" Olivia asked, and I nodded.

"Yes, we can make this work. If this becomes a more long-term thing, we will have to get them beds. Especially because I don't want to wake up to tiny feet in my face again."

"Who was laying like that?" Olivia chuckled.

"The one that was wearing the Dora pajamas."

"Oh, Morgan. She's the shy one. Super sweet, but extremely shy."

Olivia and I got around before getting the girls up. I made them breakfast while she gave them baths. They were super dirty, but were too tired when they got here to take baths the night before.

"Alright, Rafa made you breakfast. I hope you like eggs and toast." Olivia smiled as she led the girls into the kitchen. They looked different once they had clean hair and were in clothes that actually fit them, and that I'm assuming my wife stopped and bought last night.

"Can we have something to drink?" Annie asked softly, as Olivia lifted her onto one stool.

"What would you like to drink?" I replied quickly. Olivia looked at me and smiled as she boosted Morgan onto her stool.

"Do you have milk?" Annie asked, and I nodded.

"We do. Let me get you each a cup."

We ate breakfast together before we got ready for work. Olivia got the girls into her car before turning to look at me.

"Thank you for helping with them this morning, and for being incredibly understanding with this. I know that bringing home two little girls after we lost Javier was probably not the best idea, but-"

"But helping two little girls may help us heal more. Now, give me a kiss and find the guys that hurt Morgan and Annie."


Olivia's POV

I took the girls into work with me, and both of them clung to me. I held their hands and when we got into the squadroom they wrapped their arms around my legs and the walk was slower than usual.

"You got a few things on your legs, Liv." Amanda smiled as she saw me walking in.

"I know. They just won't let go." I chuckled softly as I mussed up the blonde hair that covered Morgan and Annie's heads.

"How'd last night go?" Amanda mused.

"They ended up in bed with me and Rafa, but other than that, it went smoothly." I smiled as I peeled the girls from my legs before pointing at the chairs beside my desk.

"How did he react?" Amanda asked softly.

She knew that Rafael and I didn't plan on trying for another baby for a few months to even a year, so bringing home two little girls also hadn't been a part of that plan.

"He said that he wouldn't fight me on it, but I don't think he wants this arrangement to last. If we get attached and they get taken and given to a family member, it would break us. So we just want to help them out for as long as we can before they can settle down with a family member that will love and care for them like they are supposed to." I sighed. I turned away from my friend and walked back to my desk.

I sat down in my chair before looking at the girls.

"Now, girlies, I have some questions for you."

"Like what?" Morgan whispered as she swung her legs.

"I need some help to find your family. So if you answer some questions for me, that might make it easier." I smiled before getting started.

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