chapter 3

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alrighty third chapter lovelies! i'm praying u guys are liking this so far i think it's going well i have some stuff planned for this chapter and i'm excited eeeek. remember to drink some water and grab a lil snack okay? chapter three let's agoooo
... mario that u?
Vinnie's pov
I feel my eyes opening, I groan and turn over to my phone to check the time. 9am

Ugh God too early

I was going to roll over and go back to sleep until I hear muffled music that sounds familiar, I sit up and hear it's coming from the bathroom, connected to the room across from me.. Makayla's room

I recognize the song to be mine, Makayla is playing Emotional Highs in the shower.

Who knew she was a fan of my music

I grin and realize there's no point in trying to go back to sleep so I decide to head down to the kitchen and make breakfast

Nobody else is downstairs yet since it's pretty early for us in this house, everyone usually heads to bed at like 3am.

I look through the cupboards and decide to just make cereal, I'm too lazy to cook something. Besides, Mia probably will when she wakes up

I sit down at the table and go through my phone until I hear someone walking into the kitchen from the other entrance

hm who's up?

(an: idk vinnie maybe the only other person awake right now.. MAKAYLA)

I hear them pouring cereal and they start walking over to the table

"Oh uh hi" Makayla says a little shocked

All I was wearing was light blue sweatpants, no shirt

"Goodmorning" I say taking in what she's wearing

She's wearing fuzzy grey plaid pajama pants and a white tank top

"I wasn't expecting anyone else to be up sorry" she says about to walk out of the kitchen

What no don't leave

"Come sit down" I blurt out shocking myself

"Okay" she says sitting across from me, she starts eating her cereal

how does she look so beautiful she just woke up and had a shower

"Are you liking LA so far?" I ask trying to start a conversation, "yeah but I haven't really seen much of it yet. Maybe I'll ask jett to take me around today" she says picking up her phone I'm assuming to text him

I finish eating and she was done too so I took her dishes to the kitchen to put in the dishwasher

"Thank you" she smiles "no problem" I return the smile

I hear her sigh from the dining room and walk back to see if she's okay.

"What's up?" I ask her

"Jett said he's busy today, I mean I would just take his car but I don't really know where i'm going I'll probably get lost I mean I can use a map but then I would have to-"

"I'll take you" I say with a small laugh

Oops I cut her off

"Oh, are you sure you don't have to Vinnie" she says

"No I don't mind, I don't have anything to do today anyways"

She sits there for a second just staring at me, I notice her eyes go up and down my body

Is she checking me out?

I decide to taunt her "take a picture, it'll last longer" I smirk and notice her face go red

"Oh- oh please, I was just thinking" she says with a panic

Hm she stuttered

I remember what I heard this morning when I woke up and decide to bug her more, "oh yeah, I didn't realize you were a die-hard Vinnie Hacker fan" I say

She looks confused

"What do you mean?" she asks, "the song you were playing this morning.. I didn't realize you liked my music" I say

Did I hear the song wrong.. no no that was definitely my song

"Wait, what song?" She asks, genuinely confused as if I was speaking utter nonsense

"Emotional Highs?" I reply

"Wait you sing Emotional Highs? AND CAVITY?" she raises her voice

"Yeah" I laugh "that's me"

"NO WAY" she says her jaw dropped..

"uh yes way"

she looks cute surprised

"Are you going to make more? Please say you are" she says walking over to me with her hands together looking like she's praying

"Maybe, I have a few ideas" I say

"That's sick" she says grinning

"Well I'm gonna go get ready I'll see you later?" she says walking out of the dining room, I give her a wave and head upstairs a few minutes after her

*lil time skip*

Makayla's pov
It's around 11am now, I did my hair and makeup. I decided to just put sweats on and a hoodie since im not going anywhere anytime soon

I'm sitting in Jett's room playing Valorant while Jett skips through song after song on his phone

This was why I was always in charge of music at home

I hear the door open but I'm too focused on the game, I can hear Jett talking to someone but it's muffled since I have a headset on.

I can feel someones presence beside me but I assume it's just Jett

I get the last kill of the game and screen reads "CLUTCH" I take the headset off, turn around and let out a gasp. My face is so close to Vinnie's

holy fuck

"You're not too bad Mick" he says smirking

"Oh thanks, I give all the credit to Jett though he taught me how to play" I say smiling

Jett smiles from his bed and I turn my chair around to join the conversation

Jett and Vinnie were sitting on Jett's bed talking about cars

Shocked are we?

We all hung out and talked in Jett's room for a while until Jett had to go to town

I spent the rest of the day hanging out with Kouvr and Alex

I would sneak glances at Vinnie anytime I could, he really was attractive

nvm i was excited for this chapter but it sucks ass, sorry guys! school starts tomorrow fml i wanna scream... vinnies name

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