chapter 19

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i hope u are all okay after the last chapter, it was a lot i know. this one will be a little much as well, just a warning.
vinnie's pov
i fell asleep last night at around 2am, i never did get a response from makayla but she probably crashed. she was really high

i wake up to see a couple text from her apologizing for not answering me and that she and a few friends partied last night

so she was awake that whole time? it's okay she probably didn't go on her phone much

it was 10:27 am when i decided to get out of bed and go downstairs to make myself breakfast

i walk downstairs to see jett on his computer at the table

"sup" i say as he turns to me from his computer startled a little

"oh hi vinnie, guess what i'm doing" he grins

"what? is it a new car?!" i ask excitedly

"better" he says, a grin tugging at his lips

"so are u just gonna not tell me or?" i say with a hint of frustration

"my mom texted me at like 5am last night saying she needs me home, wanna come with? i'm looking at plane tickets right now" he says smiling

"fuck yeah i wanna come with!" i exclaim

"i'm just a little concerned though" he mutters "i don't know why she would text me at 5 in the morning saying she needs me home"

"i'm sure she just misses u" i say "and probably hearing about everything u did with makayla i wouldn't doubt she wants to see u"

"yeah ur probably right, well i booked the flight 6 days from now so.. does that work for u?" he questions

"yeah, that sounds good, gives us a little time to get ready" i say heading into the kitchen

i pour myself and jett a bowl of cereal and we eat together at the table

my phone vibrates and it's a text from makayla
makayla <3
hey vin, i have to talk to u at some point today. it's kinda important

vin <3
i can call u in 10, does that work?

makayla <3

vin <3
okay talk to u soon love
i'm a little scared.. did she do something bad last night?

i put my dishes away and head upstairs a little nervous

what did she do?

i call her as soon as i enter my room and she answers immediately

she has bags under her eyes. honestly, she looks awful

"are u okay?" i ask with a face full of concern

"um something happened vinnie, i hope ur not mad at me" she sighs

"what happened?" i say getting more anxious as every second passes

"matti and evelyn, my friends, invited some of our friends over for a party. there was easton, carson, brayden, and um"

she pauses

"and?" i pressure

"tavin" she whispers, her voice breaking

"what happened makayla?" a hint of irritation in my tone

"i felt really drunk so i went to the bathroom" she takes a breath and composes herself "and tavin followed me in. i told him to get out multiple times but he didn't listen to me" she starts crying

what. the. fuck. did. he. do?

"take ur time love, did tavin do something to u?" i try to be calm but i need to know what he did

she takes a few deep breaths

then she starts taking her hoodie off

what is she doing?

as she finishes pulling her hoodie off she's left in a bra

i examine her body to find her torso bandaged up and her neck with brown and blue hues covering it

my fist and jaw clench. anger fills my entire body

"did tavin do this to u?" i ask as calm as i can

she takes a deep breath

"yes." she says loudly, almost like she's trying to come to terms with it

"jett and i are flying out in six days my love i will be there soon" i say

i can see immediate relief wash over her entire body as her muscles un-tense

she pulls her hoodie back on and sits back down on her bed

"but.. why did he do that" i ask

"um- so when he came into the bathroom he kept getting closer to me and well, he started trying to-" she stops again

i sit there in apprehension awaiting her next words

"to touch me" she shudders" i kept trying to scream. i fought back a little bit, i had the chance to kick him but that only made him more mad. i was able to scream for help and then he scratched me.. hence the bandages, and the bruises. my friends were able to get him off of me before anything else happened" she finishes

holy shit. she didn't deserve that. fuck

i let out a long sigh putting my hands over my face

"i- i'm sorry makayla" i mutter "i love u more than u know. i wish i could've been there, i can't help u through a screen but i will be there very soon. i will take care of u, u did nothing to deserve that. i'm sorry"

i don't know how to comfort her

"thanks vin" she says her mind obviously in another world

i will tear tavin to fucking pieces

*time skip*

three days until i can see makayla, hold her, and give tavin what he deserves

makayla's mom had ended up going to the police and telling them what happened, i'm glad. let's fucking hope tavin gets put behind bars

jett and i packed most of our bags leaving out the necessities, the days went by slower than normal

it was 11:47pm, makayla fell asleep on our facetime call. i didn't want to hang up incase she woke up, so i simply muted myself and turned on my monitor to play valorant

a few friends hopped on and we played for hours, the clock hits 3:56am as i'm turning my pc and monitor off. i cant decide if i should hang up the call or not

i decide to keep the call going as i wash my face and brush my teeth, i get under the covers as hera snuggles into my chest

i turn on a random show i've already seen before and drift off to sleep

sort of a filler chapter cause i know we all probably want vinnie and jett to leave already. the views are going up! 56 already :) which i know isn't a lot but it's a milestone for me. i hope everyone likes it so far and don't be afraid to leave comments!

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