chapter 22

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sup babes.. ew
there might be some smut in this chapter.. maybe
makayla's pov
i'm upstairs in my room getting ready, i decide i've had these stupid bandages on my stomach for too long

i start peeling them off when i hear a knock on the door

"who is it?" i question

"it's me" vinnie says

"come in"

he walks in, eyes falling on my stomach

"i'm just taking these stupid bandages off" i sigh continuing to peel them off

he just stares, his face filled with pity

"don't look at me like that" i scoff balling up the bandages and throwing them in the garbage

he simply walks towards me pulling my body into a tight embrace

i sigh into the hug letting him hold me

this feels so comforting

i hear him take a deep breath

he pulls away from the hug, looking into my eyes

"i love u, so fucking much makayla" he smiles

"i love u too vin, i missed u" i sigh

we finish getting ready for lunch and head back downstairs to find jett sitting at the kitchen island patiently waiting

after going out for lunch we drove to the bowling alley that also has mini golf, i won, jett came second and vinnie got last place

we of course made fun of him for it and he nearly whacked me with his mini golf club

while heading home for dinner i notice jett isn't going the way to our house

he's heading to the dispensary ..

vinnie goes in buying a pack of joints

we agreed to not smoke them tonight and save them for the next few days

we got to my house and walked in to see my mom had dinner all ready

we all ate pretty quickly and decided to spend the rest of the night watching horror movies

i sat between jett and vinnie immediately making myself a little cocoon of blankets

we started the first movie and vinnie had scooted closer to me putting his arm around me, of course at the scary parts he'd hold my tighter and i'd bury my face into his hoodie

after two more horror movies the clock hit 1:00am, i said i was going to get ready for bed and vinnie followed me upstairs

i didn't notice him until i got the my doorway and turned to shut it

"jesus fuck u scared me" i say holding my heart

"sorry" he smiles putting a comforting hand on mine

i walk further into my room about to fold the blanket on the end of my bed but vinnie pulls me towards him, cupping my face and planting a gentle kiss on my lips

i'm taken aback but kiss back almost immediately, i place one hand on his shoulder and the other on his cheek

he pulls me in closer deepening the kiss, he brings me down to the bed. i lay down on my back with him on top of me, our lips still connected

i tug at the bottom of his hoodie and he pulls it over his head tossing it to the side

he smiles into the kiss tucking a strand of hair behind my ear

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