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"Hey, Dylan, I'm sorry about yesterday," I tell him at school the next day. I know I sound awkward, but he doesn't seem to notice. His brown eyes go wide with surprise.

"What?" He squeaks, then he cringes.

I resist the urge to walk away. I take a deep breath and shut my eyes, trying not to sound too annoyed. "I said I'm-"

"Yeah yeah, I heard you, I was just..."

I glare at him. "I said I'm sorry, but I guess that you don't actually care." I roll my eyes as I walk away. Such a waste. I tricked myself into believing he actually liked me. It was so, so stupid of me.

"No, Chelsea, wait!" I hear his loud footsteps over all the other noise in the crowded school hallway. Nevertheless, I don't stop walking. All my thoughts about Dylan from the previous night wash out of my mind. They were all lies anyway, right?

I feel Dylan's warm hand on my bare shoulder. I stop walking, but I don't turn around. I feel his warm breath in my ear. "Chelsea, I'm sorry." He sounds calm. "Would you please go on a date with me? Just one?"

My jaw drops to the floor."What?" Did I hear that correctly?

"I- I understand if you don't want to, but please, Chelsea, give me a shot?"

No! My brain yells, but my heart says differently. "Uh, okay!"

Dylan steps in front of me. "Wait, really? Here, I'll pick you up um, tomorrow? Eight o'clock? Is that-"

"Chill. Deep breaths. I am not that exciting. Calm down. Yes, get me tomorrow. Eight is fine."

The brightest smile spreads across Dylan's adorable cheeks. He really does like me. Wow. I can't help it, I smile too. For the rest of the day, I'm glowing. I didn't realize how much I liked him. I was too distracted by his face to notice that he had given me a slip of paper, with his number in it. Fireworks explode in my chest.

At home I arrange for Becky to go to a friend's house. She's excited, I can tell. Then I inform Phillip that neither one of us will be home tomorrow afternoon, but he just grunts and smokes. I'm too happy to care. I'm too happy to worry. It's funny how one person can totally blind you from the rest of the world for a while. It's an amazing feeling, it truly is.


Chelsea is going to have an amazing time. It'll be a perfect first date.


At two in the morning, I hear yelling from downstairs. Becky is wide awake, I can tell. I can feel her fear from across the room.

"You stay," I whisper. She nods.

I take a long, deep breath before I step into the hallway. The floor is cold under my feet, but the air is hot against my skin. The pressure is unbearable, considering what happened last time I woke up in the middle of the night like this.

"I told you, I don't got money!" Phillip yells.

I reach the bottom of the steps.

"Well you better get som- Look who it is! She looks fine to me!"

The man I don't recognize is pointing at me.

"I want her," says the man that's not Phillip.

My heart drops to my shoes. Run, Chelsea! What are you doing? Run!


I don't see Chelsea at school the next day. I get home, still hearing nothing from her. I hope she's still okay with our date. It'll be amazing. Perfect, even. I know she'll love it.

A/N: Sorry for such a short chappy 🌚

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