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I jump awake because someone touches my head, brushing my tangled hair behind my ear.

"Beck-" It's Dylan. In my bedroom. He's seen the inside of my tiny house. He's seen how old and nasty it is. He's seen the room I share with my sister because I can't bring myself to move into Phillip's room, even though he's been gone for weeks. He's seen me asleep and vulnerable.

I look up at his smiling face. "Hey," he says, like I live in a normal house, like he didn't notice a thing as he walked up here. Like I don't look disgusting from waking up.

"What the hell, Dylan-"

"I can go, I just thought you'd want to do something for your birthday," he tells me innocently.

"Where's Becky? How did you know... No, wait, how did you get inside?" My mind is racing. So is my heart. Panic starts to fill me. "Where's Becky? Becky?" I call, just as a crushing terror falls over my heart.

"Chelsea, it's okay, look, here, look at me..." He tilts my chin upwards and wipes tears off my face that I didn't realize were there. "She's downstairs, I'll go get her. She's fine, Chelsea."

His eyes meet mine for just a moment, and I feel his sudden hurt and pain and distrust for me. "I'm sorry, Dylan, you just scared me..."

Dylan doesn't answer me, he just walks out of my bedroom. Becky comes up a couple minutes later with a big smile on her face. "Happy birthday!" She comes and gives me a hug. "You know, Dylan has a surprise for you? And I'm gonna make you a cake with his mom?" Becky looks happy and excited.

"Sounds fun," I tell the girl.

"Yeah! But you have to get ready so Dylan can drive you."

"Alright, you tell him I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

Somehow, Becky's smile brightens even more. "Okay!" She chirps before disappearing.

I drag myself out of bed and get dressed. A faded pair of jeans, a thin black tank top. I don't bother messing with my hair. Braids are too cliché for my taste. I'm perfectly fine with just brushing it out.

Once I make it downstairs, all three of us pile into Dylan's car. I sit in the back seat, with Becky, who talks the whole ride to Dylan's. That's okay with me because of the awkwardness I created earlier. I don't want to talk about it with Becky there.

We get Becky out of the car, and I small talk with Dylan's mom for a couple minutes. Then I'm back in the car, in the front seat, alone with Dylan.

"I'm sorry," we both say at the same time. I bite my lip so I don't smile. Dylan does too.

I want to kiss him.

"Pull over," I nearly whisper. "Pull over."

He does, a mix of confusion and curiosity streaking his perfect face.

We both unbuckle our seat belts and I reach across the cup holders. I pull Dylan's face towards mine and kiss him hard. He kisses me back deeply and sweetly. We're both passionate, we're both aching for one another's touch. I can feel the energy that courses through me when Dylan and I are touching in any way. It's that amazing sensation, like I weigh nothing, like we're taking off in a plane, like we've grown wings and started to fly. The feeling makes my heart race.

"I love when you do that," Dylan whispers huskily as he pushes me away, "But we'll be late."

"Late?" I buckle my seatbelt back. "Should I have worn something nice?"

He doesn't even look at me. "You look gorgeous, you know. You always do." There's no hesitation or doubt in his voice. It's like he's thought this every day sense I met him, it's like the thought has went through his head a thousand times, a million. I know he means it.

I would kiss him again, but we would be late.


We pull into the parking lot of an old diner, but it has the best food I've ever tasted. It's a place that makes me think of Chelsea. I know she's appreciate a place like it. She seems to appreciate everything.

The place is modeled to look like a 60's diner, with the checkered floors and squeaky bar stools. It's fairly small, but there's plenty of space for Chelsea and I to sit at a booth.

Chelsea orders strawberry pancakes and tells the waiter that we're sharing. I'm mentally slapping g myself for not dating her sooner.

"You okay?" She asks me curiously. "You seem..."

"I'm just not sure how I didn't find you sooner."

"Please." She rolls her brown eyes, bit she's smiling, a lot.

"It's true. You're so perf-"

"I'm not the perfect one here. You're not ugly yourself, Dylan. Plus, you're gonna have millions of girls wanting to sleep with you once your acting takes off."

"And this is the kind of thing that you think about?" I raise an eyebrow.

Chelsea nods innocently. The girl has no shame.

"Come here," I whisper, leaning across the table. I kiss her softly, and when we're done, the waiter is awkwardly standing, holding out pancakes.

He smiles, obviously uncomfortable, and sets down the food. Then he's gone.

Chelsea laughs first, then me. Oops.

"I seriously think I might love you," Chelsea tells me seriously as she shoves pancakes into her mouth. She chews and swallows, looking my directly in the eyes. "I mean, I've never really loved anyone in that way, you know, but this seems real."

"I love you too, I'm sure of it." We're both smiling.

It's good to be in love with Chelsea.


For the next few hours, I walk around the city with Dylan. We window shop and people watch and get food. We stop and watch all the street performers. We do everything there is to do. It's amazing to share happiness of a day like this with Dylan. I would've had fun if I were alone. Being with my boyfriend makes everything so much more fun.

My boyfriend. I wonder when I started thinking that.

Dylan takes me back to his house as the sun is setting. The front door is unlocked and we both step inside.

"Happy birthday!" Becky exclaims. She gives me a hug. I notice that the house is decorated with steamers and balloons. There's a cake sitting on the counter.

Dylan's house is much different than mine. It has high ceilings and hardwood floors. Everything looks neat and clean. The walls are lined with fancy paintings.

The rest of the night is a blur.

Homemade cake and helium balloons and smiles and laughs and red sparking grape juice mixed with real wine. A beautiful purple dress and a bouquet of lilies from Dylan. A handmade painting from Becky.

A kiss goodnight from my boyfriend.

A glorious night, I feel that light happiness in my heart.

I can't believe it went by so quickly.

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