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I sit in the back seat of Dylan's car with Becky. I haven't been able to bring myself to let go of her sense I left the police station. They hammered me with questions, but I didn't see my abductor's face. Or, maybe I did, I... I just don't know...

This makes me want to cry but I know I already look terrible and Dylan would probably think I'm weak. I'm just scared, or, maybe I am weak, maybe...

I don't know. I don't know anything.

I just know what is happening right now.

Dylan is trying to get me out of the car but I'm
just staring at him. I can't get my limbs to move so I just sit. Deep concern flashes across Dylan's face, which is usually bright and joking, and I'm suddenly nervous. I should move now.

I start to pick up my arm but it feels like my bones have been replaced with steel and my brain has been smushed to gel. My skin is melting off my arm like lava. This scares me so I stop trying to move. I continue to sit and stare at Dylan. I see him reach into the car and feel his arms carefully lifting me up. He plants my feet on a paved driveway that does not belong to me. We must be at his house.

Dylan didn't take me to my house, he took me to his.

I hear Becky say something but I'm too tired and confused to make anything out. The world blends together and it's just one huge blur. When Dylan tries to hold my hand, I let him.

Then I remember that I don't know him and I can't think straight and I'm with my little sister and I'm going to Dylan's house and no no no no keeps running through my mind. I can't.

"No!" I try to say, but it sounds like a hiss. "No, no, Becky, we have..." I'm running forward and away from Dylan. I don't know what else to do. I can't trust him right now.

"We have to go home! We have to go home!" I shout over and over and over and over and over


The look in Chelsea's eyes kills me. It's insanity. She passes out and crumples in my arms, then I end up taking Chelsea back to her house, but only because Becky glared at me with white hot intensity when I asked her to help me take her sister inside. I still feel stupid for not being able to lift Chelsea up by myself, but I doubt she cares and she doesn't have to know.

It's almost unbearable, waiting for her to wake up. I want to know what happened to her a lot more than I should. I can't change my curiosity, right?

Chelsea makes me question myself and I actually like it. I've barley known her for two weeks but it feels like two years. I feel like I know her already, maybe it's because I'm falling for her. There's something about Chelsea that makes my heart jump out of my chest. The sound of her name and her voice makes me smile. I don't understand how I could have gone to school with her for so long and not realize that she's amazing.

When Chelsea rises from her sleeping position on the couch, she doesn't even look at or notice me. She heads straight for the fridge and grabs a slice of pizza. Then she starts eating it cold. Her eyes scan the small room and she jumps out of her skin when they land on me.

Her big brown eyes stare angry holes through me, with a touch of confusion. "What are you..?" Her soft voice makes me smile. I can't help it. I can tell Chelsea wants to punch me now.

"I was hoping you'd wake up soon. I want to talk." I smile easily and stare at her long brown hair.

"No. Get out." Her voice holds no emotion but her eyes hold buckets of feelings. Chelsea's cheeks flush slightly. "Dylan, leave. Please."

I look at her, confused. "W-what?" I stutter. My smile vanishes like smoke.

"Please, Dylan," Chelsea says in a voice that's an octave lower than her original. I can see the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. She blinks a couple times.

Hurt mixes through me as I step out the door. I thought Chelsea was starting to like me. I honestly thought that we were getting somewhere in our relationship, but I guess it was all nothing and it's all in my head.

As I drive away, one thought dominates my mind.


I'm turning the car around before I reach the end of her street.

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