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The morning Thomas ruined everything.

One phone call.

"Hey, man, I uh, hold on..." I hear Thomas mumble something about coffee. "Okay, good news or bad news first?" He sounds like he has food in his mouth.

"Bad. Did something happen? You okay?"

"Yeah-" a crash. Thomas swears. "Sorry, I just dropped my gallon of milk and it broke... I don't even care right now. Okay, the bad news. So, I was walking back from the store and I saw this- this milk is disgusting, sorry - I saw this hot girl handing out newspapers, and I was like, I have to get one. Then I got one and she wasn't interested but anyways the bad news, because you're probably anxious but dude she was smoking ho-"


"Oh, sorry. Yeah, in the newspaper there was a thing about that girl you're dating's dad or whatever."

"What about him?"

"They found him dead yesterday morning and they think he was murdered or some-"

My mouth goes dry. Dead. "Murdered?"

"Yeah, but there's good news too, there's a part in a movie you've got to try out in and I already mailed you the information. It's called The Maze Runner and there's some books that go with it and I think I'm going to buy a copy so I can try out too."

"Yeah, that's great Thomas, but I've got to go, thanks dude." I hang up. Oh, Chelsea.

I drive straight to her house. I'd usually walk, but she has to know as soon as possible. And I need to tell her in person, I think she would appreciate that.

I'm there in a minute, nearly knocking her door down with my knuckles. Worry eats at my brain, mostly because I have no idea how Chelsea will feel about this. He's dead after she had to suffer with him for years, but Phillip was her father. I don't know what I should expect.

Becky cracks the door open slowly, then she sees me and opens it all the way. "Hi Dylan," she says with a small smile. "I know you don't wanna talk to me so I'll go get Chelsea." She doesn't leave me room to reply before she goes upstairs.

I sit on the couch and stare down at my hands.

I hear footsteps coming downstairs.

Chelsea sits next me and wraps her arms around me. "I know why you're here. I got a call last night. I'm okay, Dylan."

I pull her closer to me. "Are you sure?"

"Not really."

I face Chelsea. Her brown eyes are heavy. I don't see much pain, though. Just worry. And stress. It hurts to see her like this. I want her to be happy.

"We're going to go broke, my job isn't going to support us. I don't know what to do."

"You're smart, Chelsea. You'll figure this out."

"I'll have to." Tears cloud her eyes. Then she's shaking from her sobs, and I'm holding her close in my arms.


I remember when I use to be rude to Dylan and when I would tell him off just for being near me. Now I'm crying on is shoulder, thinking about how amazing he is to stay here with me.

Now that I know for sure that Phillip is dead, I can let my guard down completely. I know Dylan doesn't want to hurt me and that he never did. It's as obvious as ever that he wasn't just playing some horrible prank.

I'm really not all that sad about Phillip. He hated us and it was mutual. I'm only crying because I don't know how I'm gonna keep Becky and myself alive and I hate that I can't guarantee that she'll be happy here.


I spend my last week of school taking tests. Finals. Then it's summer, and I'm done until collage, if I go to collage.

I find myself sitting on my concrete porch steps with my boyfriend. Boyfriend. The word doesn't seem strong enough.

"I think I did a good job, actually. I think I fit the part, too."

I almost don't want Dylan to get the part in this movie. He told me that filming is in Louisiana. We're in California. He would leave here and I wouldn't get to go with him.

"Did you read the book?" I ask him. I checked it out of the library, and I've already finished the entire trilogy, plus the prequel. It's fantastic.

"Yeah. I read the first one. I like it."

"Me too."

A smile suddenly consumes my boyfriend's face. "Wanna go to the peer?"

I smile from ear to ear. "Yeah."

As soon as I tell Becky what we're doing, we leave. I trust her to stay home by herself now.

We walk from my house to Dylan's and get in his car.

"So," I ask Dylan. "You know what collage you wanna go to?"

"Nope." He's smiling.

"Me neither. I can't really afford to go. Actually, Let's not talk about this," I mutter.

"You read my mind."

"Not surprising," I smirk at him.

"Chelsea!" He gasps, faking being offended. "What are you trying to say?"

"Oh," I fake cough. "Not that you're predictable or anything like that."

"I'm not predictable, you just know me."

I'm silent for a moment. "I hate when you're right."

Dylan doesn't miss a beat. "No, you hate when you're wrong."

"If you weren't driving I would punch you."

He shoots me a playful glance and smile. "Then you would apologize for punching me."

"I would not! I would just feel guilty!"

"You're lying to yourself," he says in an old man voice.

"Dang it, Dylan." I'm laughing.

"Didn't you mean bang it? I think you would rather-"

"Nope. I meant dang."

"C'mon, Chels," he says playfully. "You know you want it."

"And I know you wouldn't hesitate to rip my clothes off right here if someone else were driving us," I reply matter of factly.

"True." He shrugs.

I turn up the radio and we listen until we arrive at the peer where Dylan gave me the chain I always wear around my neck.

We lay side by side and look up at the stars.

It's peaceful and quiet. I'm enjoying the feeling of Dylan next to me. He's warm and he feels like home. I want to be with him forever.

I know that he wants the same.

"I love you," I whisper into the darkness.

"I love you too."

I can tell he means it.

There's gonna be 1 more chapter, then an epilogue. Just a head's up.

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