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6 years later, after filming of TMR and before filming TST


I still walk around the places we went on her birthday, and I still drive up and down that highway, in fact, I'm on it right now, and I still sit on that pier and think about the last things she said to me. I can't help but to ride by her house every time I'm around, even though there's a for-sale sign in the yard, and no car in the driveway, and no doormat or wind chimes on the porch, and grass that's so overgrown you can hardly see the porch steps. I can't help but to go into my old room at my mom's and stand exactly where she stood, trying to find a piece of her somewhere. I can't help but to notice every pair of girls walking together that look the same age as the sisters, thinking, maybe it's them this time, even though I know it won't be. I can't help but to notice every person that walks similar to the way she did, and I can't help but to notice every girl that has the same color hair as her. I know I won't find her, I won't really find her, I'll just find pieces of her scattered throughout the places I go.

And I really do, deep deep down, still love her.


Becky is driving now. She's 15, with a learners permit. Almost 16.

We're riding down the highway, on the way home from the store. Five o'clock stop and roll traffic. The same highway Dylan and I drove on that one night. I don't like thinking about him. The pain has taken it's sweet time to fade.

I have a theory that you never stop feeling any of the pain you've felt in the past. I think that you just get use to it. And you keep walking, and eventually, you'll stop turning back.

The next few seconds pass very quickly. The sky starts pouring buckets onto the roof of the car, and our lane starts moving. Becky drives the car forward until we're a couple feet from the car in front of us. I turn my head and look out the window, and I see the car beside ours.

At first, I'm not sure if it's him, because if the rain. But he looks at me too. Then I press my palms against the window and yell his name.


"Chels?" Becky asks me. "You alright?"

"Becky, open the window! Hurry!" I sound desperate, but I don't care.

"Chels, it's pouring-"

"Please. Hurry, Becky."

The window slowly goes down.


Her lips form my name again and again, and I'm frantically rolling down my window.



I reach out to touch her, to see if it's real, and my hand brushes her fingertips, and I grab on. Chelsea is sobbing, squeezing my hand. "You're here," she chokes out, "it's really you, Dylan-"


The car behind me slams the horn.

My lane is moving.

"Chelsea, I-"

She pulls her hand back into their car, and there's so much pain in her eyes when she says it. The tears on her face look like rain. Her voice is too soft over the downpour for me to hear her properly, but I know exactly what she tells me. "Go."

All the memories flood my head once again, and all I can think is focus on driving because that's so much easier than focusing on the horrible feeling being ripped away from her again.

Stop crying, focus on the road, you're gonna wreck, Dylan, focus.

I don't even notice that I forgot to close my window, and that I'm getting soaking wet.

I want to go back and say, I still love you, but I can't, I have to take the exit to a different highway.


My heart has split in a million tiny shards all over again. I'm curled up in the front seat, shaking, dying on the inside. He was right there. Right there.

Becky is quiet, she just lets me cry. She just rolls up the window before I get drenched.

All that's on my mind is Dylan. Dylan is gone.


So, in the end, that was the last time I saw Dylan in person. We didn't talk after that because there was no way for us to. We never ran into each other like that again. We never got married. We never owned a house together and had kids. That day was the end of our story.

Dylan gave me the best few months of my life, and I really hope he feels the same way about me. I hope he's happy, though, I want him to find someone that makes him happier than I made him, because he deserves that.

All I can say is that I hope he wants the same for me, and I hope that he doesn't forget me, because I can guarantee you that I will never forget him.

Now the days float by, and I do what I have to, and at night when it's too dark to see, I'll tug at the chain around my neck, and I'll squeeze the ring in my hand, and I swear, I can still hear his voice, pressed deep down into my mind.

"I'll never forget you."

And Dylan, I hope you'll remember me for as long as I remember you.

This is the end, thanks to everyone who stuck with the story! :)

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