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"How are you even alive, Chelsea," Dylan says to me, sounding mystified. He wraps his arm around my waist as we walk. He told me he has a gift and that everything has been arranged for Becky. I'm trusting him on that.

I glance at him. He's looking at the dark clouds that are beginning to fill the sky. "I don't think you get to choose if you're born."

"No, that's not what I meant. I mean, how can someone like you even exist?" He stops me and looks right into my eyes. "I thought that perfect didn't really exist."

I smile, knowing that he must've planned that line, but I appreciate the effort. It brings tears to my eyes knowing that someone cares about me so much. "You're adorable. And I'm not perfect, ya know." I nudge him in the ribs.

I want to kiss him so badly, but we're already walking again.

"You are too perfect. You know what you look like, don't you?"

That sarcasm, oh my Jesus, that sarcasm. I want to kiss his face so badly-

"Earth to Chelsea, or should I say, earth to the most sexy human being on this planet-"

"Ahh, shut up," I laugh. "I'm not the perfect one here, duh."

"Liar," he says with a touch of seriousness.

"Liar," I taunt, attempting to impersonate Dylan. He stops dead in his tracks and I think have I gone too far but when our eyes lock we have to sit down because the both of us are laughing so hard.

It's funny how one person can make you feel full inside, how one person can make that happiness buzz inside you. It's the best feeling, to be truly happy, like I am in this moment with Dylan. It's like all my fear has been swallowed by a big bright pit that is happiness and my heart has a new reason to beat because it's been taken over by that fear for so long. I feel like I've been cooped up inside for a year and now I can finally go out and suck fresh air into my lungs and feel the golden sunshine on my skin and do whatever I want because happiness is such an amazing feeling.

This cannot be an illusion, but it's too good to be true.


Chelsea is killing me, that laugh, she's so perfect...

The surprise. It's small but I know she'll love it. It's perfect for someone like Chelsea, who appreciates everything and has such real feelings. I literally can't wait. I can't stop smiling, imagining her reaction, what she'll say to me. If she'll let me kiss her. On our last date I'm pretty sure that she didn't even notice me trying to kiss her.

We walk to my house and I open the car door for her. Chelsea climbs in and I get in on my side. She has the radio on by the time I get in the car, and she's aggressively lip-singing to a song I've never heard before. She sees me staring and turns the radio back down. "Sorry," she says with a sheepish smile. Our eyes meet and I feel my smile grow. Chelsea's smile is plain adorable.

Then I drive.

"You like to sing?" I ask Chelsea.

She chuckles. "I can't sing, Dylan."

"Prove it."

She does. Her singing voice is the complete opposite of her speaking voice. Her normal voice is soft and smooth and intriguing, while her singing voice is nasty and flat and breathy. "I'm sorry you had to hear that. I sound like a car wreck."

"That's okay, mine doesn't sound much better."

"Prove it," she mocks.

"Lies!" I tease, and we're both laughing again.

I can't remember being this happy in a while.


We're at a peer. Or one of the peers. This one doesn't have much of a beach, so it's fairly deserted. There's only four other people here, and none of them are on the actual peer. They're walking along the narrow shoreline.

The peer is long and wooden. The wood has been worn down over the years. There's a couple pelicans drying out their wings. The sky is starting turning orange. The sunlight is shining through the dark clouds. The ocean is grey blue where the clouds are above it. It's perfect. It's beautiful.

Dylan and I walk to the end of the peer, hand in hand. I get lost in the sky, stating up at the clouds, taking in the beauty. Nothing looks real right now. The blending colors are unbelievable. It's an incredible display of nature. I'm glad I'm sharing the moment with Dylan.

I feel him pull his hand out of mine. I look at his face, which is suddenly pressed with nerves, but he's still smiling. I give him a questioning look as he fiddles with something behind his back.

"Chelsea," he asks me, his voice shaky. Then he drops to one knee. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He pulls out a small velvet box and opens it. There's a beautiful silver chain inside.

I smile and hug Dylan, fighting aback tears. "Yes," I whisper into his ear, closing my eyes. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend. I thought I already was."

"Really?" He asks me as he fastens the chain around my neck. "And Chelsea, if I ever marry you, I'll get you a charm for that."

"You think you'll marry me?"

"Maybe." I turn back to face him, and he's smiling.

Both of us are leaning forward. His hand cups my jaw. My hands move up to his shoulders. Our lips touch, and he kisses me. I kiss back. Its smooth and sweet and gentle. I can feel the fire in my vanes and the sparks on my lips. Both of us are gasping for breath when we're done.

We're both smiling. "I've wanting to do that for a while," we both say at the same time. Then we're hugging, then back in Dylan's car, then we're at Dylan's house getting Becky, the we're home.

"You look happy," Becky tells me once we're inside. "Did he kiss you?"

I nod, beaming, and she smiles at me. "Did you have fun at Dylan's?"

"Yeah!" She's smiling huge. "We made cookies! Can you believe that?"

I can never remember feeling so happy.

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