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two weeks later


I'm wearing a dress. It's halfway down to my knees and a deep, rich blue. The back cuts low and the front comes down in a slight v-neck. The sleeves don't reach the end of my shoulders.

I actually think I look pretty.

Dylan is suppose to pick me up in exactly 6 minutes. I sit down on the couch and fold my hands in my lap. Stare at the door. Count each breath I take.


I flinch. "Becky!" I smile and pretend she didn't startle me.

"You look so pretty!" Her bubbly voice fills the room and I smile even bigger.

"Thanks, Beck. Come'ere." I give her a quick hug. "I love you sweetie. You be good, okay?"

"I promise. But really, Chelsea, you look so pretty!"

"I love you, Becky."

"I love you too!" She hops up and disappears back into our room.

I tap my fingers and crack my knuckles until Dylan knocks on my door. Thump thump thump.

I shoot off of the couch and throw open the front door. "Hey Dylan." I can hear the smile in my voice.

He's looking at me like I put the stars in the sky. "Oh my God, Chelsea, you look beautiful." His smile is as bright as the sun.

"Thank you." He reaches out and touches my elbow. His hand slides down my arm until it reaches my hand. I loop my fingers through his and squeeze lightly. Then he leads me to his car. "Bye Becky, love you!" I call as I pull the door shut.

"I love you-" slam. The door shuts.

Dylan opens the passenger side door for me and helps me into the car. The seats are leather. The car is small and black. "Ready?" He asks me. Do I hear nervousness? No. No way he's nervous.

Well, he did say that he loved me. Maybe he is nervous. I know I'm nervous.

"So," I say.

"Wanna know what we're doing?"

"Aren't we getting food?"



"And you'll see."

We get to the restaurant in no time. Dylan rushes to open all the doors for me. He's dressed in a navy blue shirt and khaki shorts. He looks adorable, honestly. "Thanks." I kiss Dylan on the cheek as I walk through the last door.

A waitress with long blonde hair seats us and takes our orders.

We eat, mostly in silence, but it's not awkward. It's like I've already known him for years.

Dylan tells me a little about his acting, which I didn't know he did. I tell him about how Applebee's hasn't officially fired me and how I'm still getting pay checks even though I haven't been there in over a month.

Dylan pays for dinner and I thank him as we walk back to the car. "I have to show you something before I take you home. That okay?" He asks me.

My curiosity is too peaked to decline. "Let's go."

Dylan rolls the windows down and clicks on the radio. We ride like that until we reach his house. Dylan's house. Why are we here?

Dylan takes my hand and leads me to his back yard. There's a nice little picnic blanket laid out. There's also a cooler. I sit down and look at him expectantly, not really knowing what I'm suppose to do.

Then, he opens the cooler and pulls out a five gallon tub of chocolate ice cream.

Dylan O'Brien is a good guy.

For the rest of the night, we lay side by side, looking at the stars and eating ice cream.

I've never really been on a serious date, but I'm not sure how anything could top this.

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