Chapter Twenty-One: Just Children

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So this is one of the longer chapters. Lots of exposition, lots of violence. It's the attack on the summer camp, so it wouldn't be the same without some drama. So trigger warnings: violence, forced usage of medical drugs, fear, mentions of a car accident and following carnage, mentions of suicide attempt. Just...prepare yourselves. I loves you all and hug a stuffed animal okay?

Two days later...

"Alright guys and gals, and some nonbinary pals," Pixie-Bob calls, waving a hand in the air as the students come to stand at the opening to the path they would take through the forest. "It's time for the fun stuff. Our test of courage as a reward for all of your hard work this week!"

"Ooh, this sounds fun," Kaminari says, grinning at his friends. "I wonder who we'll get paired up with?"

As Mina goes to say something, cloth from behind snaps out and wraps around her, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sato, and Sero. They all struggle as Aizawa admonishes them for attempting to skip their lessons, Sero crying they just wanted to join in on the fun. Leinei giggles into her hand, standing next to Bakugo as he sighs and rubs the back of his head.

"With them gone, I'll explain what's going to happen," Pixie-Bob continues, smiling as she rubs the back of her head. Ragdoll stands next to her, holding two separate bags and shaking them up and down gently with small clicks being heard inside. "You'll be following the set path, one class at a time. One class will be the scarers, the others the scarees. Then you'll switch off! For the first round, Class A will be the scarees, B the scarers. The winners will be determined after both classes have been through the trail, based on creativity and who scared more of the opposing class. Class B, go ahead into the forest and start making up how you'll scare Class A, while you guys choose lots to see who you're paired with!"

After the lots were drawn, Leinei ended up with Izuku. They smile at each other, Bakugo's eye twitching as he watches from where he stands next to Shoto. How did that happen? Was it because Mina wasn't here to rig it? Things had been awkward between them since the other night, but...they hadn't really let it bother them too much.

"Oi, Deku!" He calls, dragging Shoto behind him as he walks over to him and Leinei. "Trade with me!"

"Do you not want to be partnered up with me?" Shoto asks, confused as Bakugo jerks his thumb towards him. "I thought we were starting to be friends."

"I don't want to be friends with you, Icy Hot!" he yells, his eye still twitching. Leinei giggles and looks at Izuku, who blushes a bit and looks at his feet.

"I don't mind switching if you don't, Izu," she tells him.

"Ye-yeah that's fine," he says. She nods and switches places with Shoto, which makes Bakugo relax. "I hope you two do fine."

"Ah, it takes a lot to scare me," she boasts, waving her hand in front of her. "Don't worry about it. Besides, I got Katsu there in case someone tries too hard."

"Just take it easy still," Shoto tells her, tilting his head as he looks between her and Bakugo. "If you need us, just yell."

"I can't expect you to save me all the time, Shochan."

"Just until you can save yourself."

"Oi, it's our turn to go in," Bakugo snaps, grabbing Leinei's arm as she waves at them and they walk off. Izuku and Shoto call after them with words of encouragement, Izuku leaning over to Shoto after they walk into the forest.

"Is it just me, or are they acting weirder than usual?"

"I was starting to think it was just me that noticed."

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