Chapter Two: New Places, Old Faces

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"Are you alright?"

Shoto had gotten up to go to the restroom as well, walking past the noise makers that were Kirishima, Kaminari, and Bakugo. Bakugo was yelling something about him winning the Sports Festival, and that everyone should just withdraw now. The very idea had Shoto irritated, but of course he couldn't let that show on his face. He had points to prove, no matter what it cost him.

He walked out of the classroom, and saw Leinei a few steps away from the door, leaning against the wall with her head back and her eyes closed. It was odd to him that she had long sleeves under her uniform shirt, which was wrinkled and looked as if it may have been thrown on at the last minute, and leggings under her skirt. Her waist length violet hair is held back by a white headband so her face was on display(not that she'd wear it willingly that way without Reina forcing her of course).

"Are you alright?" he asked her, having walked over to her. She had jumped a bit, her eyes opening as she looked up at him. Familiarity hit him, confusion tilting his head as he studied her for a moment.

"I-I'm fine, thank you," she says softly, seemingly forcing a smile. Her cheeks twitched with it, seemingly pained as she did so. "I-I'm just...taking a breath."

"It can be a lot," he assures, nodding. "Between Midoriya and Iida, even Uraraka sometimes. My name is Shoto Todoroki."

He holds his hand out to her, and she stares at it a moment before taking it and gently shaking. A flash of a memory sparked in his head, a similar looking girl giggling as he made a small porcupine ice sculpture. It made him feel warm and fuzzy, a feeling he didn't quite want to feel right now. He took his hand away and tucked both of them into his pockets. She dropped hers to her side, looking away from him.

"Salinsa, right?" he says, trying to be courteous.

"Ye-yes, Leinei Salinsa," she repeated, nodding. "It's very nice to meet you, Todoroki."

It was another blast to the gut for him. She was so familiar to him, and yet he couldn't place her to save his life. All he could think of was a spitfire of an ember haired girl with green eyes, but she looks nothing like her. What was that girl's name? It has his mom's name in it, he should be able to remember it!

" your sister something?"

"Reina," she corrects him, that same pained smile coming back. "Reina Salinsa."

That's right. Dad used to make me train with a girl by that name. She must be her sister, or something.

"How are you two related?"

"Oh, I'm he-her younger sister," she replies, nodding. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason," he tells her with a shrug, starting to walk past her. "You should head back inside before the others start worrying."

"Oh, was nice to meet you, Todoroki."

"You too, Salinsa."

With that, Shoto walked off from her. Leinei had recognized him; who wouldn't with the hair? The sweet boy that used to make ice figures for her at night when everyone else was asleep, whom her sister complained about to their now deceased parents, and he was here. Attending school with her. Panic had gripped her stomach again, threatening once more to paint her breakfast across this school's beautifully shiny floors.

She sighed softly, running her hands over her face as she resisted the urge to scream. Her legs had finally stopped shaking, but her hands trembled a bit still as she walked back to the door, sliding it open slowly and slipping inside. She had her back turned to the class as she slid it closed once more, turning halfway to see an enthused Kaminari standing there with a hand outstretched.

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