Chapter Seventeen: Wanted

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So, just, some trigger warnings as usual, for fear, death, and some...let's just describe them as yandere-esque thoughts. Music for this chapter: Rapture by OK Goodnight.

The bar sure is crowded tonight, Toda thinks to himself as he sits in the corner away from the other villains sitting around as if they already owned the place. His skin crawls, taking in each and every one of their faces. The blonde girl with fangs and a seemingly permanent smile etched on her face-she couldn't be much older than Leinei. The reptilian with purple hair leaning against the wall in the corner, trying to look mysterious and cool, his eyes closed. A magician with a white theater mask on his face sitting upright and proper in a chair, his hands clasped around his crossed knees. A woman(or a man, Toda truly couldn't tell) sat at the bar a few seats down from Shigaraki, drinking a glass of water. A black and white masked man in a full rubber body suit, mumbling to himself in the corner, laughing one minute and crying the next, screaming and whispering. And finally, the black haired, scarred and stapled man standing lazily by the wall with his hands in his pockets.

Giran had outdone himself, finding this ragtag group of villains following Stain's defeat, and even Toda had to admit he felt more terrified than usual coming here. He surely had almost peed himself walking in the door and being met with a handful of blue flames. Of course, a simple word of assurance from Kurogiri and Shigaraki called the scarred man who dubbed himself Dabi away from the poor informant(if you can have pity for the man selling out his boss' baby sister to the monsters keeping his lover alive), and Toda took his seat in the corner, feeling like a child surrounded by thugs about to have his head bashed in for looking the wrong way at any of them.

"It-it seems you have some new friends, Shigaraki," Toda says, trying to make small talk to ease the nerves he had twisting in his stomach and bladder. "I-I guess Stain was useful in a way...huh?"

"Yeah I guess," the blue haired man grumbles, scratching at his neck. "Enough small talk, the brats from UA I told you to keep an eye on?"

"Ah-um...well, like I said the last time we met a month ago," he whimpers softly. "Leinei's quirk leveled up a significant amount-she can track people with it now, which is a lot more than I thought she could do with it before, but the only thing I really learned about Katsuki Bakugo is that they're good friends. Well, somewhat good friends." He notices that Dabi perks up a bit, hearing Leinei's name. "An-and well, they're taking their semester exams soon, then they're going to be going to a training camp at a remote location."

"And I'm going to assume you know this remote location?" Mr. Compress coos, leaning forward with his chin in hand. "Otherwise I'm sure you wouldn't be sharing that information with us."

"Yeah. Have you gotten that information or did you fuck up again?" Shigaraki rasps out, pulling his hand from his neck for a moment. "I told you what would happen the last time-"

"N-no sir, I have the information," Toda says quickly, swallowing and feeling his face grow hot with shame. "The school has to let Elementia know where Leinei is at all times, so they had to divulge that information to her. They'll be attending a summer camp located on the reserved land bought by the Wild Wild Pussycats, and personally trained by Mandalay, Pixie-Bob, Ragdoll, and Tiger themselves. It's to be a week-long excursion in the Beast's Forest. The only pros there will be Eraserhead, Vlad King, and the Wild Wild Pussycats."

"I like that name," Toga says, her face flushing. "Leinei. It's pretty. But why do we care about them?"

"Have any of you ever heard of the Shiketsu Slaughterer?" a digital voice asks, a tv in the back of the room flickering onto the static snow. The villains turn their gazes towards it, Spinner and Dabi seemingly bored. "I suppose not. A year ago, there was an incident where a girl's quirk went haywire and was used on more than a dozen students and teachers. There six casualties, and it has since been massively covered up due to the negative PR it would have given two certain heroes and the child involved. The girl who's quirk went haywire is named Leinei Salinsa, and she currently attends UA."

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