Julieta x fem reader

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Tw: self harm

Requested by: ThatOneAizawaSimp (Yes, it's me again.)

-Y/N's POV-

Okay it won't be so bad. Just jump out of this tree and fall hard enough to break something. Then you'll have to see her! I'm an idiot. Hurting myself for someone who probably won't love me back. Her husband, Augustine died a few years ago. I know shes moved on but would she be willing to start a new relationship. Is she even gay?

Unimportant! I crave attention and this is how to do it! Before I could talk come sense into myself, I jumped from the seventeen foot tall tree. Mind you I knew someone who broke their arm falling out of a hammock. So seventeen feet? That'll leave a mark. A big one.

I'm on the ground, it wasn't so bad, but am I hurt? I didn't just climb that tree for nothing, right? Wait, I can't feel anything. Never mind, the pain just hit. "Ow ow ow! That was not a good idea!"

Yeah no, I'm not going to be able to get to the Casita. My legs aren't even going to work. Woah, I feel dizzy... I'll just rest here and see her later... And I passed out.

Then, yelling.

"She's over here!"

"What happened!"

"Get her to the Madrigal's they can help!"

"Get her on the stretcher, quick!"

"Is her arm supposed to bend that way..?"

A bunch of towns folk had found me, I was being carried on a stretcher. I found this out while drifting in and out of consciousness. Though every time I woke I felt searing pain in every part of my body.

The next time I woke up I had been sat in a chair, sitting up. I hissed at the pain in my arm, legs, and head. Only then did I look around and see Julieta frantically running around the kitchen, cooking as fast as she could.


She turned to look at me. "Oh, thank god you're awake! Don't fall back asleep, I'm scared you'll die. I ran out of pre cooked food so I have to make more! Please don't fall back asleep until it's done! Then you can tell me what happened."

"I'd rather die. Goodnight Juli."

"Don't, you, dare." She glared at me and I felt a chill run down my spine.

It wasn't long before she had finished a few arepas. "I'm done, eat this." She handed me the food and I took it with my good arm. I took a bite and it hurt to chew. I ended up flinching each time I tired. Julieta was scrunching her nose, clearly upset with how bad I'd gotten hurt. Eventually I gave up and just swallowed the small bite whole.

I suddenly began feeling better. My legs weren't aching and my headache was gone. My arm bent the normal way.

Julieta let out a sigh as I went back to normal. "Okay, Y/N. You've got some explaining to do. What happened that got you hurt so bad?"

"I fell out of a tree. A tall one. It looked fun to climb. I was wrong." I was lying through my teeth. Of course I hadn't meant to get hurt this badly.

"You're going to die one of these days! You're too reckless!"

"I'll be more careful!"


"I promise."

-The next day-

Yeah I broke my promise. I had taken a knife from my kitchen and cat a large slit it one on my arms from my elbow to my hand. It was bleeding badly though it wasn't too deep. The hard part would be finding a lie to explain this. Thorn bush? Sharp rock. I don't know, it just happened? All bad. Worst comes to worst, I don't know.

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