Julieta x nb reader

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Requested by: usernamelove22

tw: cursing, affairs-? (I dunno what counts as trigger warnings okay? -.-)

-the night before, Y/N's POV-

It was the night of Felix's birthday party. All was well. Augustine was spending most of his time hanging out with his best friend. I walked over to a small bar that had been set up for those old enough to drink.

I sat down next to Julieta who had clearly been at the bar a while. There was no bartender, you could get drinks for yourself. That meant there was no one to cut you off if you've had a little too much.

Now of course, I'm not about to pass up on free drinks. So I made myself a few shots and started taking them. Of course with the alcohol in my system my mind wasn't completely clear, and I don't remember much. But I do remember asking Julieta to walk me home before the party was over. And I remember the conversation we had while walking.

"You know, Y/N. I reallyyy like you. For the loooongest time!" I remember an old saying. Something about people being the most truthful when they're drunk.

"Whaaat about Augstice or whatever his name is.?"

"Ohhhh... Wait what?"

That's all I really remember. But I know something happened. Because...

-the next day, still Y/N's POV-

I woke up in my bed like every morning. But I had no clothes on.? I looked to my right and had to refrain from yelling when I saw Julieta there. I quickly got up and put clothes on. What the fuck happened last night?! Shes married! She was covered with a blanket but I found her dress on my floor. Oh dear lord.

 I walked over to her side of the bed and shook her shoulder, trying to get her to wake up. "Hey, Julieta. You need to get up. Like now!"

"Hmm, what is it?" She was half asleep, definitely didn't know what was happening.


"Not so loud, I have a headache..." Now that she mentioned it, so did I. Parts of the night started coming back to me. We had been drinking.

"Julieta. Seriously, this is bad!"

"Okay fine I'm up!" She opened her eyes and looked around. "Why am I here.? Wait... Y/N! Where are my clothes?!" She pulled the blanket closer to her.

"Floor. I'll leave so you can change."

After a few minutes she exited my room, fully dressed.

"So, last night... Did we.?" She was clearly hesitant to accept she'd had an affair.

"Yeah, we were both drinking... I understand if you want to leave and don't want to see me agin now..."

"No, I still want to be your friend! You're great. But what would I tell Augustine.?"

"You could just, not?"

"That feels wrong..."

"Right, sorry. But we should probably get you home."

"Yeah. You're coming, I'm going to make arepas. And you're no doubt hungover."

"Oooo, arepas!"

We began walking back to the Casita. The house opened the doors for us upon our arrival. It was rather early but almost everyone was already awake. I looked up to see Dolores standing on the second floor, staring at us. Oh no... She knows... (she knows! And I know she knowsss! And I know she knowsss! Lol I don't apologize)

"Julieta." I spoke as we walked into the kitchen. "How good is Dolores at keeping secrets..?"

"Not very good wh- ... No.. Oh no. We're dead! She'll tell everyone!"

"Well maybe not, we'll just have to see.."

With that she began cooking, I helped where I could but mostly stayed to the side. After around fifteen minutes or so all of the Madrigals entered the room, with Augustine and Dolores in the lead.

"Julieta!" Okay Dolores definitely told Augustine. "You had an affair with fucking Y/N?!"

"Listen, Augustine, I-"

"No! I don't want to hear it! You fucked up! Now you'll have to pick! Either me and never see them again! Or leave this family forever."

"Hey! Dude it's not fair of you to make her pick like that!"

"It's not fair of you to have sex with my wife!"

"We were drunk!"

"Do I look like I care? It's too late for that!"

"You could at least give her a while to consider everything! You're throwing a life changing decision on her!"

"Fine. You have an hour, Julieta." And with that, he left. Along with the family, some giving glares, others looking disappointed.

I walked over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "You should stay with your family, everything you have is here. I completely understand if you choose Augustine. I know you were drunk and probably wouldn't have done that sober."

"But the thing is Y/N... I might have. You're an amazing person and I don't want to cut you out of my life because of him! I think I'm going to choose you." She looked up at me with a smile.

"O-oh, really? But what about your daughters? And your siblings.?"

"It's not like he could stop me from seeing them. Plus they might need to be healed. Not like he can take away my gift. And he's the one married into the family! Why should I have to leave? Okay, you know what. I don't care. Once they come back in an hour I'll tell them what I picked. We'll have to work things out from there."

"I love you but I'm not so sure about this, Juli..."

"I love you too, that's why I'm leaving."

-one hour later- (Spongbob narrator?! Is that you?!)

Everyone had gathered back in the kitchen to hear Julieta's choice.

"So? Are you going to stay with me or go with them?"

"I have a name squid brain!"

"Stop fighting so I can tell you who I chose! Augustine, I'm going with Y/N. I'll mail you the divorce papers."

Most of the family was shocked with this announcement. All except for Dolores and Julieta's daughters. Dolores must of told them what Julieta had picked before hand.

"Mama!" Mirabel spoke up, her and her sisters stepping forward. "We're going with you!"

Well that certainly is touching. Augustine had no words, he didn't except any of them to leave. Yet me, Julieta, and her three daughters walked out the door before anyone could protest.

(WALA! My first request! Hope you liked it and that it was as good as you wanted it to be. Sorry if it's too short or not what you had in mind!)

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