Pepa x fem reader

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Requested by: yours truly

It's just a normal thing for me to write these for myself now.

Tw: cursing, and idk cheating? Idk what counts as triggers nor do I have the time to figure it out

(Based before the movie before any of the kids were born when Pepa and Felix were just dating)

-Pepa's POV-

I had just entered my boyfriends house. I didn't tell him I was there because I wanted to surprise him. I looked around his house before I heard something in the bedroom. I opened the door and saw him making out with another girl.

"FELIX! What the fuck?!" A cloud appeared over my head, threatening to rain.

"Pepa! Let me explain! You see I-!"

"He didn't want to be with someone so fucking emotional!" The girl began to speak. "I actually understand him and what he likes!" (Okay fucking pick me)

I began to drizzle and lighting started appearing from the cloud. "We're over Felix!" I ran out of his house crying. After I was far enough away I just started walking to the Casita. The rain poured down harder the more I thought about it. And lightning started hitting nearby objects.

"Ow! What was that?!"

-Y/N's POV-

I was shopping at the market like any other day when I noticed Pepa Madrigal out of the corner of my eye. Based on the cloud alone she seemed to be really upset. No one ever really interacted with her when she was upset like this. They were scared of getting electrocuted. And I was one of those people.

I'd never really met the Madrigals but I knew them. They were infamous throughout the entire village. I've seem them around but none have ever spoken a word to me. I saw Pepa and thought of asking what was wrong but decided against it. I turned my back to her and went back to looking at food to buy.

Suddenly something hit me. I don't even know how to describe the feeling but it sure got rid of any tiredness I had left. "Ow! What was that?!" I turned to look around and noticed Pepa looking at me and then her cloud. I noticed the flashes of lightning within the cloud. Oh. It was her.

She walked over to me. "I'm sorry, I'm not in a very good mood and can not control my cloud. I didn't mean to hit you with lightning."

"It's okay!" I flashed her a smile. "No harm done! But may I ask, why are you so upset?"

"I don't really want to talk about it..." The rain from the cloud about fell harder as she stared at the ground.

"That's fine. I'm Y/N L/N! You're Pepa Madrigal!" She looked up and me and nodded. "It's nice to meet you!"


"Would you like to be friends?"

"Oh?" The harsh downpour lessened as I smiled at her and held out my hand. "Yeah sure!" She took my hand and shook it, smiling back.

From that day on the two of us were great friends! After a week or so I got the story about Felix out of her. She seems to be over it now. It's four months later and I've developed a bit of a crush on her. We were hanging out in her room at the Casita.

"Okay okay, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to take one of Bruno's rats and see how long it takes for him to notice."

She sighed. "My brother is going to kill me but okay." She left the room and came back three minutes later with a small brown mouse. "I got his favorite. I'll be dead in about ten minutes. Anyway, truth or dare?"




"Okay fine, who's your crush? You never want to tell me but I'm curious."


"Told you. He's pissed."

Bruno broke through the door, grabbed his rat, flipped everyone off and left.

"What the fuck is wrong with your brother?"

"A lot of things. Now tell me your crush."

"I'll give you tee hints and you have to guess."


"One: ginger. Two: green eyes. Three: misunderstood."









This went on for a while longer. (Precisely 6 minutes and 43 seconds)

"Seriously, Y/N! I've guess all the ginger boys with green eyes in town!"

"Pepa. Who in the fuck said it was a boy." (Cue the TikTok sound: I'm dumb she's a lesbian)

"You're gay?"


"That actually makes a lot of sense. Then could it be Sarah?"




And the same process as before until she'd guessed every girl but one.

"But that's all the girls now!"

"Pepa. Have you looked in a mirror lately?"

Her jaw fell open and she pointed to herself.

"You finally got it! Yes, I'm in love with you Pepa!"

She tackled me into a big hugged and kissed my cheek. "I'm in love with you too!"

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