Pepa x fem reader

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Requested by: me, cause I'm a simp

-Y/N's POV-

I'd been invited over to the Casita for a game night. Apparently Mirabel had convinced just about everyone to play truth or dare with her. Though Alma, Augustine, and Antiono didn't want to attend. We were all sat in a circle, waiting to start.

"Okay im glad all of you agreed to this! I'll kick us off! Isabela, truth or dare?"

Isabela sighed before responding. "Truth."

"Okay! Why didn't you want to marry Mariano?" Damn that escalated quickly.

"Seriously? I told you this!"

"And now you have to tell everyone else. Well I mean I suppose Dolores already knows."

"Okay fine. I'm a lesbian. So naturally, I didn't want to marry a man." Camilo let out a dramatic gasp, and almost everyone looked shocked. I honestly, wasn't that surprised. Maybe it was my gaydar but she didn't exactly seem straight.

"Oh, mi amor!" Julieta who was sitting beside her pulled her into a hug. "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"Yeah, that's really cool Isa!" Luisa spoke.

"You know we'll all love you either way." Pepa, who was sitting right beside me said.

Everyone in turn said something nice to Isabela about her coming out. I was less focused on her and more on the reactions of those in the room. Camilo looked happy with the turn out. Luisa was crying a bit. Mirabel and Julieta both looked proud. Dolores already knew so there was no reaction from her. Bruno seemed happy for her. But Pepa... It was always hard to tell how she was feeling. She looked happy but also, kind of jealous? I never could understand how she was feeling just by reading her face.

I snapped back to reality as the game continued. Soon enough, we were an hour in and still going on strong. But Dolores, Camilo, and Luisa left. Leaving only Mirabel, Isabela, Pepa, Julieta, and I. Though truths got a little more spicy and dares were more intense. Mirabel and I had gotten into the competitive spirit and just kept asking each other now. No one else seemed to mind, as things got more and more interesting by the second.

"Y/N again! Truth or dare?"


"Do you have a crush?"

"Yes! Okay now you, Mira! Truth or dare?"


"Okay! Why didn't you ever like Isabela before?"

"Because she's Isa!" I raised an eyebrow. "Fine! Because she was always perfect, and she had an amazing gift and could never do anything wrong. Meanwhile I was constantly stuck in her shadow, not near perfect, with no gift at all." The people who remained here this long frowned.

"Mi vida." Julieta looked over at her youngest daughter. "We love you. Gift or no gift. Perfect or not. You're important to all of us." We all nodded, none of us could add anything.

"Right. I know that now." She smiled to ease the tension in the room. "Buuut moving on! Truth or dare Y/N!"

"Not again Mirabel! Uh, truth!"

"You said you have a crush, who is it?"

I glanced around the room. Everyone was now looking at me, curious. "Well you see, Mirabel." I stood up. "That was my cue to leave. Thank you all! It's been fun, but I must get going because I do not want to answer that!" I began backing away towards the exit as I spoke.

"Hey that's not fair!" Mirabel stood up and ran over to me. She grabbed my arm and forced me back to where I'd been sitting. "Who is it?"

Before I could try and leave again or at least say something, Dolores poked her head in through the door. "I know." Everyone looked over at Dolores.

"Thanks for reminding me why I need to stop talking to myself. But don't you dare!"

"I will if you don't." She just gave me a blank stare. The only secret she's ever kept longer than a week was Bruno's. Which is really unfair. "And if I don't, Camilo definitely will."

"You've told Camilo?!"

"How could I not? To be fair it is our- No wait. You're supposed to say it."

"You're what?" Mirabel questioned, more eager to know now.

"Their mother." I said nonchalantly. Why's everyone staring at me? Wait. "Fuck! Did I just out myself again?!"

"Language. And yes." Julieta replied, grinning.

"I see. Okay! Who wants to help me dig my grave?"

"Why not, I've got nothing better to do." Camilo said as he walked into the room. "Wait. What did I miss?" He looked around at everyone.

I spared a glance at Pepa to see her reaction to this. She remained sitting. Her knees were to her face and her arms wrapped around her legs. Though despite this, there was no cloud above her head. No tornado or hurricane began forming like I'd feared in the past. But instead the air around her felt warmer, as though the sun was beaming down in that very spot. I know what that means, I've seen it before. It occurs whenever she's really happy. She's happy I like her?

I looked back to everyone else to see Julieta dragging Camilo and Mirabel out of the room. They were followed by Dolores and Isabela. That left me and Pepa alone in the room.

"Pepa..? I'm sorry. I know you probably don't feel the same, I completely understand." She lifted her head away from her knees. Her face was tinted pink.

"That's not it. I'm just embarrassed. But I do love you, N/N." She smiled and looked at the ground as she spoke.

I sat next to her and put my arm around her, smiling. "I'm glad you feel the same."

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