Neglected Pepa x fem reader

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Requested by: milfsstrapdildo

Tw: cursing, neglect

(Based before any kids were born, triplets are around 17 and Pepa never met Felix)

-Pepa's POV-

I went to find my mother and show her my newest achievement. I had gotten a perfect report card, straight A's. I walked into the kitchen to find her showing Julieta a new recipe. "Mama! Look at my report card! I got-!"

"Not now Pepa! Can't you see I'm helping your sister?" A cloud formed above my head. Julieta mouthed 'sorry' as Mama turned around. "Pepa, if you're going to rain, go out by the crops. They could use some water." She turned back to my sister as I left the room before I could start raining.

I placed my report card on the table and left the Casita. I was walking into the market in hopes my friend, Y/N would be helping her mother with their shop. I was walking along checking all the stalls like usual when someone grabbed my arm, turned me around, and hugged me.

"Oh! Y/N! I was just looking for you!" I smiled as the cloud I had slowly evaporated.

"Hello mi amor." Y/N smiled back. She had always called me cute nicknames and flirted with me. But neither of us have ever made any advances. "I missed you! You had to run right home after school. I thought you'd be home longer, so what brings you to the village?"

"My mama didn't care about my report card as much as I thought she would. No point in being there if she's not going to pay attention to me anyway. Plus I can always show her my grades after she helps Julieta with new recipes."

"It would've only taken a minute. She can't even make a minute of time for you, mi amor?" Y/N frowned.

"I guess you're right. She could've just taken a glance at it." A cloud appeared over my head again.

"Amor, don't let her shitty parenting get you down. She's just a egocéntrico no bueno horrible madre!" (If you really wanna know, go to google translate or learn Spanish.)

"Alright, I get it. Don't have to get so annoyed with her Y/N."

"¡Odio a Alma con una pasión ardiente! ¡También puedes citarme en eso!" (It's not really relevant to the story, I just wanted Y/N to speak Spanish when she's pissed.)

Later that day I returned home and grabbed my report card. Y/N was with me, just silently following along. I walked into the living area where my brother and mama were. "Mama, can you look at my report card now?"

"No Pepa, can't you see I  helping your brother with homework?"

"But mama, it'll only take a minute."

"I already said no! Quit being selfish and let me help your brother!" As she spoke a cloud appeared over my head.

"You know what, Mama? I'm done!" There were a few flashes of lightning in the cloud. I began yelling at her, all my built up anger finally became too much. I snapped. "You never have time for me but you can give all your love to Bruno and Julieta! You can't even spare me a minute in the day to check my report card! Which was straight A's by the way! Because you never cared but I always tried to live up to your ridiculous expectations!" The cloud above my head started to pour, lightning hitting the table and other nearby things. "You wanted each of your children to be perfect! But you decided early on that I  couldn't live up to your expectations! So you made to time for me! I never get any of your attention! And when is the last time you actually said you loved me? You tell both my siblings how amazing and perfect they are all the time! You tell them how much you love them! So why is it different for me?!" The rain had only gotten worse the longer I had talked. Everyone in the room was drenched but I didn't give a damn.

 "Pepa, I'm sorry. I didn't know you felt this way. I-"

"Excuse me. Alma. I doubt that half assed apology is going to cut it." Y/N gestured to the pouring cloud above my head. "Try again ¡idiota!"

"Right. Pepa, I know I will never be able to make up for the neglect or the pain I've caused you. But I promise you I will make time for you. From now on I will do my best to try and be a better mother."

Y/N nodded. "Much better."

The rain lessened and I looked Mama up and down. "I don't forgive you. But it's a start."

-about a week later because it's not a great story without a fucking love confession!-

We were hanging out in my room like usual when I remembered something. "Oh right! I forgot I wrote something for you!" I walked over to my dresser which I mostly used for storage. I opened the top drawer and pulled out a letter. I walked over and handed it to her.

"Oh?" She opened it and stared at the page for a minute. The She looked back at me. "Mi vida! You know I can't read French!"

"Then you'll have to get someone who does to translate."

She thought for a moment before jumping up. "Your sister! Because I have a feeling you're not going to translate it for me."

-Y/N's POV-

I ran out of Pepa's room and made a beeline straight to the kitchen. "Julieta!"

"Y/N? Is something wrong?" She gave me a worried look as she wiped her hands off on a rag.

"Pepa wrote me this letter! Can you translate it for me? I don't know French!" I held out the piece  of paper.

Julieta took it and quickly read it over in French. "Cher, Y/N Je sais que tu ne connais pas le français, alors j'ai pensé que ce serait mieux que de le dire directement. Mais je suis amoureux de toi." She let out a small gasp and looked at me with a big grin on her face.

"What?! What does it say?!"

"It translates to 'Dear, Y/N I know you don't know French so I thought this would be better than saying it directly. But I'm in love with you.'"

My face turned red. "Are you pulling my leg?"


-Pepa's POV-

I was sitting on the edge of my bed, waiting for Y/N to come back. Then the door burst open. Y/N ran at me and tackled me into a hug on the bed. "I love you too mi vida!"

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