Pepa x insecure fem reader

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Requested by: ThatOneAizawaSimp

(Yep, me again I'm bored and not getting any requests. Also I CANT SLEEP! So my sleep deprivation inspired this story!)

-Y/N's POV-

Felix and Pepa had recently gotten into another fight. They were divorced now but they still stayed in the same house and room because of the children. They hadn't even told Antonio even though it's been a month. Though because of this fight Pepa had asked to stay at my place for a few weeks. My house was small as it's only ever been just me. So naturally, being the good host I am, I let her take the only bedroom. I don't really sleep much anyway, if I had too I could just sleep on the couch.

"Are you sure I can take the room? You already have really dark eye bags, will you be able to sleep well on the couch?"

"I'll be fine! And if I don't sleep well, all I'll need if a cup of coffee."

"If you say so..."

She walked into the room and I assume, went to sleep. Now when I'm in a room, alone, I have a nasty habit of talking to myself or narrating what I'm doing. Normally this is no problem as Dolores is the only one that hears me and she probably hears much worse on a daily basis.

I got up and started my nightly routine. I was a fool to forget Pepa was in the next room over. "Okay! What do I need to do tonight?" I began listing things off on my fingers. "Dishes, laundry, make sure I make coffee as I probably won't be sleeping tonight." My stomach growled. "When's the last time I ate? Breakfast? No I skip breakfast, I'm fat enough. Then yesterday's lunch? No wait I didn't have lunch yesterday. Then two days ago during lunch! Huh... that's not healthy. Whatever, not like anyone cares. What time is it? 9:41? That marks hour 54 of no sleep! Hah! I broke my record from last week! Why do I talk about all my problems out loud?"

I heard a door creek and looked over to see Pepa standing in a doorframe, a worried look on her face. "Ah, this is why I need to stop talking to myself. How much did you hear?" I didn't really mind if she knew. What was she going to do? Force me to eat and sleep? Hah!

That's exactly what she did.

"You're not fat Y/N! You're incredibly skinny!" As she scolded me for my lack of food she walked into the kitchen to find something for me to eat. I had stocked up earlier today because I knew she'd eat a normal amount. She took out a pre made sandwich I had bought from the market earlier. I can't cook, okay?! "Eat this." (All Might?!)

"No thanks, not hungry."

"Don't lie to me."

"I'm not hungry!"

"Stop acting like a three year old and eat the damn sandwich or I'll force feed you!"

"I'm not three, I can take care of myself. And I will not be eating that." That was a mistake. She made me sit down and forced me to eat it. Eventually I gave up and just ate it. I hadn't realized how hungry I was. Geez.

"Okay now to sleep!"

"Isn't making me eat enough?"

"No!" And with that Pepa grabbed my hand and took me to the bedroom. (Stop thinking.) She made me lay down next to her and wrapped her arms around me so I couldn't move. Damn I forgot how hugs felt. I pulled her closer, wrapping my arms around her, and I hid my face in her chest.

I have never fallen asleep faster.

When I woke up the next morning I saw her staring down at me with a smile, a rainbow over us. "You're eye bags aren't as dark. Feeling better?"

"You know, I actually am. Thank you mi amor."

"You're wel- I'm sorry what did you just call me?"

"Mi amor." I repeated.

"O-oh. What time is it?"

"Probably like six."

"Okay, I'm going to make food, you do whatever you do after waking up."

"Sleep longer!"

"Okay then." She smiled and left the room while I proceeded to cover myself with the blanket again. Though after not being able to fall back asleep for like ten minutes I got up. I left the room and Pepa was in the kitchen, clearly struggling to cook.

"Is it hot in here, or is that just you?"

"Very funny Y/N." I walked over and hugged her from behind.

"So whatcha doing?"

"Either attempting to cook or burning your house down. Maybe both.."

"You go sit down, I got this one!"

"I certainly hope so, if neither of us can cook were done for."

I took over in the kitchen and successfully made arepas. They're rather simple but you still want to know what your doing or you could royally mess up. "Pepa! Foods done!" She walked out of the bedroom and walked over to me with a smile.

"Great! Thank you Y/N!" She took an arepa from a serving plate. "You good? You're staring."

"Nah, it's just you're so beautiful that even the autumn leaves fall for you."

A light pink spread across her cheeks. "You dumb flirt!"

"Kiss me in I'm wrong, but dinosaurs are still alive, right?" Pepa sighed before walking over to me and planting a kiss on my lips. "I-" I did not think she'd actually do that.

"You're wrong, mi vida."

"M-mi vida.?"

"Mhm. I love you, Y/N."

"I- I love you too!"

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