Julieta x fem reader

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Requested by: Belizeannon

I FINALLY MADE TIME FOR THIS! It's a great prompt, excited to start!

(Triplets aged down to 37, Y/N is 36)

Tw: cursing

-Mirabel's POV-

I ran into Isabela's room where I knew both of my sisters were. "Isa! Luisa!" I ran over to them and placed a box on the floor. "Look at what I found in Mama's room!"

"Sis, why were you in her room?"

"To help get rid of dads stuff now that he left. Duh, Luisa!" Our parents had recently divorced and we had to go through all their things to find all of Papa's stuff.

"Stop talking! Mirabel are you going to tell us what's in the box or what?"

"Oh just look!" I opened it, inside there lay a bunch of pictures. I pulled out a few and looked at them before handing one to Isa.

"I'm sorry, is this mama?!"

"Bingo!" (Bulls eye, right on the money)

"Luisa look at this photo!" In the picture Isabela was looking at you could see Mama and a random girl. They were hugging, though the girl held a card in her hand, red in the face. Almost as though she were blushing. Both looked really happy, but none of us had ever even seen this girl before. What happened to her?

"Who is that?"

"Exactly what I'm thinking! We should ask Mama who she is and what happened to her! Luisa get the box and lets go!"

Luisa grabbed the box and the three of us walked to the kitchen. "Mama!" I announced our arrival upon entering the kitchen.

"Yes girls?"

"We need your entire childhood story! Go!"

"What Mirabel means is, who is the girl in all these photos?" Luisa corrected me as she placed the box on the table.

Mama looked at the box and froze. "I'm sorry?"

Isa showed her the picture from earlier. "What happened to this woman?"

"Y/N.. I thought I hid these in the my closet years ago!"

"I found it while looking for a few of dads things."

Mama sighed. "It's a long story, do you really want to hear it?"

"Yes!" The three of us said in unison.

"Okay let's sit, I'll tell you everything." The four of us took seats at the table. Me and my sisters stared at Mama as we waited for her to begin talking. "When I was younger I had a best friend named Y/N. She was the most kind and amazing girl I've ever met. And I had loved her for the longest time. Though I said nothing because I knew neither of our parents would approve."

"You were in love, WITH A GIRL?!" Isabela's mouth hung open.

"Yes, I was. I regret nothing. Okay I regret a lot of things. But moving on! My mom had recently made an arrangement with Augustine's family to have us both marry. I was told it would be good for the Encanto. I was honestly forced into it, I never really loved him. And he never really loved me because he was gay." (THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR MAKING ME THINK HE WAS GAY FOR 0.8 SECONDS, DISNEY! "Two guys fell in love with family Madrigal!" BITCH THATS SOME FUCKING QUEER-BAITING!)

"So our marriage announcement was made. And Y/N wasn't very happy with my mother for forcing me into the arrangement. Then one day Mama found out about my little crush on Y/N. She invited Y/N over for dinner. Before we even sat down she began yelling at her for trying to make me gay and such. Though it wasn't even her fault and I knew it. Yet I didn't step in, I watched Y/N take the fowl words. I regret not stepping in and helping her. I think me saying nothing might've actually been the last straw. She left me a note and left Encanto."

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